Nicely done. I was born and raised in Arizona and have traveled just about everywhere in New Mexico. Very well done considering American models and stuff are hard to find. Good job on the textures and the century plants(agave). If you don't mind I would like to make a few suggestions...
1) Remove the alpine trees and replace with oak and birch. Fir trees only grow in the southwest above 6000 feet and the only farming in New Mexico is done along the Rio Grande which is well below fir tree level. The most comon tree along the Rio Grande is the pinion,oak and cottonwood(relative of the birch and has white bark as well).
2) Add lots of cars waiting at the USA/Mexico Border crossing. All of the border crossings take an hour to get thru because traffic is that bad.
Just minor suggestions to add to the "feel" and realism. Also when you come out with the next version you should add a link to your download on fs-uk's website since thats where most Americans look for farm mods and I am sure many would love to play this map.
25 Comments for OGF USA MAP
Nicely done. I was born and raised in Arizona and have traveled just about everywhere in New Mexico. Very well done considering American models and stuff are hard to find. Good job on the textures and the century plants(agave). If you don't mind I would like to make a few suggestions...
1) Remove the alpine trees and replace with oak and birch. Fir trees only grow in the southwest above 6000 feet and the only farming in New Mexico is done along the Rio Grande which is well below fir tree level. The most comon tree along the Rio Grande is the pinion,oak and cottonwood(relative of the birch and has white bark as well).
2) Add lots of cars waiting at the USA/Mexico Border crossing. All of the border crossings take an hour to get thru because traffic is that bad.
Just minor suggestions to add to the "feel" and realism. Also when you come out with the next version you should add a link to your download on fs-uk's website since thats where most Americans look for farm mods and I am sure many would love to play this map.
Good job once again.
Its about time someone made a good USA styled map, Great job
Wow!!!! *eyes bulge* This can't be real!!! It is too perfect!!! :D
2 things:
Map is suppose to reflect New Mexico an signs are in German and the farm equipment dealer is Bennett IL, 3000 miles away
Wow Wow and Wow thank you very much Bernie this is so kind of you for sharing this masterpiece