Userprofile of TonniTurboModul
Member since 8 / 2013

1 Rylan(bis: 09.03 2017)
Punkte: 151
Level 6
Rank: n/a
First name: Rylan Age & Gender: 38 m City: Holbaek Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About TonniTurboModul

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  1. Mod: Audi S4 2017
    Okay, thought it was an attribute either in the editor or something in the xml files..

  2. Mod: Audi S4 2017
    How do you change the strobe light color?
    We wanna use this audi, but we want the color to be orange..

    Thank you for this nice mod

    1 replies

  3. Mod: River valley XXL
    By the looks of it, your map files arent scaled right = when you harvest, the header wont always cut where it is and will often cut a chunk beside it and miss some that is inside the header.

    I know a x4 map is a lot of work, but this is a "bug" that is gonna put down the map for a lot of people.

    And theres gass inside some sheds at the farm where your vehicles start..

    Have fun and good luck with the map :)

    1 replies

  4. Mod: Start Map 4x with Extra Foliage Layers
    theres pictures of it there

    1 replies

    1. LSModding 29. 11 2016

      Mod: Start Map 4x with Extra Foliage Layers
      Rylan, i doubt that it is too much asked to provide the information straight away in the description, or at least some additional screenshots. Additional foliage layers can be anything after all. Sure the uploader can do whatever he wants, but if he doesn't provide any information he shouldn't wonder if nobody downloads the file. Which is kinda sad, because there are useful or just brilliant mods out there, which are not even known by most just because the information provided is just sub-zero. Just my 2p

      1 replies

  5. Mod: Start Map 4x with Extra Foliage Layers
    Same as the one from the standard map from NLDFarmers

    1 replies

  6. Mod: Start Map 4x with Extra Foliage Layers
    Go take your medicin! Use the map and import what you need or just leave it. No reason to be a ***** about it just because you are too lazy to do some extra work.

  7. Mod: Visby Dansih Map
    550 mb for a map that small..
    Thats impressive..

  8. Mod: Saksburg Agriculture
    Then try alter the growth settings to etc. Hagenstedt or what ever map you like the growth spped of..

  9. Mod: Saksburg Agriculture
    Fantastic map, very very nice.

    Dont got any bad to say about this map at all.
    Got a few minor things thats been over looked but arent game breakers at all. At the potato sale, the pile at the middle hall is poking out the side and at field 30, roughly at the middle theres a bunch of tree colisions.
    Its an easy fix, but some might not know how to.

    Thanks again for this fantastic map :)

  10. Mod: Deutz Compacmaster
    The bales are not converted to MR bales.

  11. Mod: Brantner PowerPush TA23065
    Hi chrisu70.

    Thank you for this amazing trailer. Its the best looking and most detailed trailer ive had so far.
    But sadly i got a problem.. We got the MR version on our dedi server and for some reason its using a loooot of fuel when we hook it up to tractors. Ive tried all tractors we have and its using about 1L per 10 sec no matter if its standing still or moving..
    Now im not an expert in german, but by my quick look thru the comments i didnt see anything about this problem..

    Really hope its an easy fix as this is the trailer of the year and we really would hate to take it off.



  12. Mod: Ursus pack
    you need to either replace the PloughingSpec file from another MR mod that are using it or remove it.. Editing the fuel usage will not help as the PloughingSpec is messing with the fuel.. So get a working one or remove it :)

  13. Mod: Ursus pack
    Very very nice mods indeed.. im very glad i got these..
    but when i say that they use a lot, i mean that they empty the tank VERY fast just being turned on and just standing still..
    its some old ladies so its fine they use more than the newer ones, but its just too much when you have to drag a fuel trailer to get from one end of a map to the other..

  14. Mod: Ursus pack
    Its a very very nice pack.. got it from another site a few days ago. If you dont have another MR tractor with a working PloughingSpec, then delete it from them as they will use up the gas very very fast.

  15. Mod: BIG Haupeltshofenmap
    Yeah its sad that ideas like this gets messed up bt something i would think should be pretty easy to fix for Giant.
    Love the layout of the map and all so its a shame that this is bugging it.. But ill see if i can edit my way out of it :)
    Keep up the work and ill for sure dl the next version.

  16. Mod: BIG Haupeltshofenmap
    Map looks great but the "field areas" are set wrong. Etc when trying to seed the #15, some of it you cant even seed and yet you can seed a large part of the field next to it without getting warnings.
    The map looks nice and all but its getting annoying that you need to buy all the fields when they are close together..
    so only a 3/5 from me..

    2 replies

  17. Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
    have you pulled out the map of the zip file? or even read about the mod pack? cause its a zip with a map and more mods in it..

  18. Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
    Does anyone else have problem with this map on dedicated servers?
    We cant compact the chaff/silage and the chaff/silage bunkers dont go up when we dump in them.
    This only happens on dedicated server.

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