Userprofile of seriousmods
Member since 12 / 2012

Punkte: 839
Modder Level 9
Rank: #2508
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: no entry Hobbies: photography, farming simulators Homepage

About seriousmods

I am an avid enthusiast of all things truck-related.
  1. seriousmods 29. 05 2017

    Mod: Case IH Steiger STX 450 Quadtrac
    First of all, my name is not in the credits at all. Secondly, if you really think stupid is part of anyone's username, you really need to look more closely at your character. Very sad, but this is why the community is going more and more to private mods.

    1 replies

  2. seriousmods 01. 05 2017

    Mod: südharz Map
    One of my favorite maps ever: great to see it converted.

  3. seriousmods 10. 03 2017

    Mod: Travis Classic EndDump
    Unreal, this was hacked from Dietz modding, and he isn't even mentioned in the credits!

  4. seriousmods 29. 01 2017

    Mod: Peterbilt 388 Forest
    I just love the credits list: not one mention of any of the people that actually played a part in the original 388 for FS15.

  5. seriousmods 10. 12 2016

    Mod: Peterbilt 388 and Manic Flatbed trailer
    Good try at fixing the credits, but seriousmods isn't the only credit.

    The full credits list is below, and yes, everyone should have been included.

    I took the liberty of converting a trucksim mod to FS, and what does the FS community do? What it always does: rip off the trucksim community, delete their names from the credits, and act like they made something when they did not.

    Chris (Ace)
    Big Joe
    John (Ford4ever)
    That Random Guy
    Ventures87 (wendi)
    Colonel #13
    Diesel Boss

  6. seriousmods 26. 10 2016

    Mod: Real Day Light
    You have to be kidding me: no credit to either me or the original scripter modelleicher?

  7. seriousmods 24. 09 2016

    Mod: ran an die Arbeit.
    Looking good! 16x or 4x?

    1 replies

  8. seriousmods 16. 05 2016

    Mod: John Deere 8600i
    Probably the best thing to come out for FS 2015 this year. Very awesome! Great work!

  9. seriousmods 09. 04 2016

    Mod: Zurn!!
    This is legendary work!

  10. seriousmods 17. 06 2015

    Mod: Massey Ferguson 9895
    Thank you! Was going to try this myself!

  11. seriousmods 04. 04 2015

    Mod: kinze 3800
    Wow! One of the best modders in FS history has returned! Good to see you back, xyzspain!

  12. seriousmods 14. 03 2015

    Mod: Texture rye
    Keep up the great work!

  13. seriousmods 14. 03 2015

    Mod: Deutz Fahr K8.51
    Good to see you back Misterious! You've got great talent, and your AO textures are really nice as well!

    I was wondering if you have some kind of light script for FS 15 to change the sun in your game?


  14. seriousmods 14. 02 2015

    Mod: Clover alfalfa
    Awesome! Can't wait to see what you're planning next. Really nice textures!

  15. seriousmods 07. 02 2015

    Mod: JohnDeere 6210R
    Beautiful tractor. Have been looking at private versions of it for a while hoping to get it. Thank you very much!

  16. seriousmods 02. 02 2015

    Mod: USA California map
    Looks pretty decent. I'll know how good it is when it is released.

  17. seriousmods 01. 02 2015

    Mod: Palouse
    Another American map: need I say more?

  18. seriousmods 26. 01 2015

    Mod: Kenworth T908
    Whoever originally created the model is not listed in the credits. It's probably Quentin or NZ Logger or someone like that from the trucksim community, but once again, no credit is given in the list.

    1 replies

  19. seriousmods 22. 12 2014

    Mod: Die Map-größe
    A 4x map done right is way better than a 16x map done hastily. There are close to zero good American maps out there that truly capture America, so a 4x American map done right would be really nice! Don't focus so much on size: focus on details because details are what make a good map a good map.

  20. seriousmods 02. 11 2014

    Mod: PiQup
    Piqup or pickup? I think it should be pickup.

    1 replies

  21. seriousmods 02. 11 2014

    Mod: Ford Pickup
    It's a Dodge, not a Ford.

  22. seriousmods 26. 10 2014

    Mod: 4 Tage Pause
    Quick work, and very high quality!

  23. seriousmods 26. 10 2014

    Mod: Test Render
    Awesome! Keep up the great work. :)

  24. seriousmods 23. 10 2014

    Mod: 1: der Motor
    Yes! Someone who thinks outside of the box for a change!

    Very nice to see: I'm planning a CH65 for FS 2015, and I think there might be a Challenger MT865C as well!

    Great work!

  25. seriousmods 06. 08 2014

    Mod: Balzer 2000 Pack
    Looks like we'll be needing a V1.1 to correct the courseplay problem.

    Thanks for letting us know guys. :)

  26. seriousmods 17. 07 2014

    Excellent job, buddy. :)

  27. seriousmods 05. 07 2014

    Mod: Schlüter Super Pack 2
    He's back!b One of the best modders in history! Glad to see your return.

  28. seriousmods 18. 04 2014

    Mod: JF C 240 Double
    Really nice work, buddy. :)

    I sent a reply to your PM on FS-UK.

    Keep it up. :)

  29. seriousmods 11. 02 2014

    Mod: Map i3D bearbeitet
    Looks awesome! That might just be my map of te future. :)

  30. seriousmods 06. 12 2013

    Mod: Fast fertig...
    Jetzt habe ich eine Frage zum Arbeiten mit mehreren Mähdreschern auf einmal. Ist die v1.1 des Autocombine mod Arbeit besser, wenn sagen wir drei Mähdreschern werden über ein Feld in parallelen Reihen laufen? Viele meiner Karten, die ich zu spielen habe große Felder, und wie Sie wissen, die Standard-AI nicht sehr gut mit mehreren Maschinen nebeneinander laufen zu arbeiten, und die Werkzeuge hirable hud ist nicht viel besser, so dass ich frage mich, ob dies erlaubt dem Benutzer, mehrere Mähdrescher auf einmal ausgeführt werden, ohne Probleme, laufen sie ineinander, und so weiter. Große mod. Ich bin wirklich froh, dass du so ein feines Neben dem Spiel sind.

  31. seriousmods 29. 11 2013

    Mod: Es geht voran...
    Sounds great! This mod could really make a great difference in my SP gameplay. Great work. :)

  32. seriousmods 14. 11 2013

    Mod: Aktuelle Erweiterungen:
    Will it work for larger combines as well? The V1 only seems to work for my small combines. I can't get my 9770 STS models and my larger New Hollands to do anything more than go in circles., sometimes huge circles.

  33. seriousmods 14. 11 2013

    Mod: AutoCombine
    I'm running into a few issues with the mod.

    1. it doesn't seem to work with any of my larger combines like the JD 9770 STS.

    2. It seems to skip spots when it comes around for the second time. It typically will cut a full width section coming around the first pass, but on round two, it starts to snake.
    3. The key bindings seem to provide different responses than the buttons on the HUD. For example, when I press L, sometimes the combine performs differently than when I push the on button on the HUD.
    4. It makes the mouse perform strangely when the HUD is up. I cannot move the camera as I normally can via the mouse with the HUD up, but the camera still moves so if I’m looking at the header when I open the HUD, by the time I mouse over to use the HUD buttons, my camera position has changed.
    5. It doesn’t allow me to unload the combine fully when Autocombine is in use. If I drive a trailer under the offload pipe, the combine will unload about 1% of the tank into the trailer, and then begin moving forward, so I have to chase it down and try to match speeds, or block the combine with the tractor.
    But it’s a great idea, and I hope that V1.1 will fix all these small glitches.

    Best regards

  34. seriousmods 30. 10 2013

    Mod: AutoCombine
    So can you run this HUD while it is hidden, and without the arrows?

    1 replies

  35. seriousmods 20. 08 2013

    Mod: IHC 2388 EU
    Why are some pics from 2011?

  36. seriousmods 10. 07 2013

    Mod: Logbucheintrag # 01 Main Farm 100%.
    So is this a 2x or 4x map? I can't wait to try out the freeway. :)

  37. seriousmods 14. 06 2013

    Mod: Distant Hills mountains to embed
    I'm struggling to cover up the gaps in the front of the mountains. When I cover it from straight on, then I look from the side, and the gap can still be seen. What is the best way to cover these up?

    I see in the screenshots that it can't be difficult, so I'm going to need some help. And if I mention you in the credits of my map, is it ok if I release it when completed?

  38. seriousmods 12. 06 2013

    Mod: Distant Hills mountains to embed
    I was just looking for something like this!

    Thank you so much.

  39. seriousmods 16. 05 2013

    Mod: Pack detageres
    Thank you so much for this mod. We really need these in the game. :)

  40. seriousmods 14. 05 2013

    Mod: Jeep Wrangler
    pretty decent, I would say. Couple things I noticed: no turn signals, no visible driver, and no high-beams. Little bit on the short side, I would say also. But good work, anyhow.

    1 replies

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