JohnDeere 6210R

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello everybody,


I'm misterious, former partner of SMI, maybe you already noticed but i quit modding.

While i was cleaning my PC i noticed i had some unfinished projects. So here's my version of BJR's johndeere 6210R.



  • New roof (by SAMN)
  • New bonnet (by SAR modding)
  • New tires (by giants)
  • New Rims (bumsnudel, SMI)
  • Texture update (BJR, MMI)


The mod is quite basic, i has no additional scripted functions. I hope some motivated guys of you will fix some scripts and improve it.


Much pleasure!


The Misterious Modding Industry (MMI former partner of SMI)


BJR, SAMN, SAR modding, SMI, Bumsnudel, Giants, MMI

  • 06 Feb 20:41
    Version 1.0


checksum: d4a644086b76aa4d9c12960d8a087f18
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: BJR-Modding
price in shop: 112579 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

06.02 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.45 / 20 Votes


nach 11 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
27.3 MB 54184
06. 02 2015 54,184

3 Comments for JohnDeere 6210R

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  1. Rasler89 23. 03 2016

    Moin, Schöner mod aber hat noch paar fehler auf´m Server

    Fehler (15)
    Unknown file type 'textures/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/specular/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/frim.bmp'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/rearrimdiffuse.bmp'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/specular.bmp'
    Unknown file type 'Beacon/Thumbs.db'

  2. BJL7-MH 12. 02 2015

    It's so annoying when mowing.

    The butterfly mowers on the back weight it down, so when you lower the front mower... It doesn't touch the ground... >:(

    It's such a nice tractor though :(

  3. seriousmods 07. 02 2015

    Beautiful tractor. Have been looking at private versions of it for a while hoping to get it. Thank you very much!
