Download download Mod 'JohnDeere 6210R'

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3 Comments for JohnDeere 6210R

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  1. Rasler89 23. 03 2016

    Moin, Schöner mod aber hat noch paar fehler auf´m Server

    Fehler (15)
    Unknown file type 'textures/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/diffuse/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'textures/specular/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/.mayaSwatches/'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/frim.bmp'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/rearrimdiffuse.bmp'
    Unknown file type 'Wheels/specular.bmp'
    Unknown file type 'Beacon/Thumbs.db'

  2. BJL7-MH 12. 02 2015

    It's so annoying when mowing.

    The butterfly mowers on the back weight it down, so when you lower the front mower... It doesn't touch the ground... >:(

    It's such a nice tractor though :(

  3. seriousmods 07. 02 2015

    Beautiful tractor. Have been looking at private versions of it for a while hoping to get it. Thank you very much!
