Userprofile of scooby
Member since 11 / 2015

1 01.06 2016)
Punkte: 2.870
Modder Level 12
Rank: #694
First name: philip Age & Gender: 62 m City: chelmsford Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About scooby

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  1. scooby 21. 06 2019

    Mod: Great Hagenstedt
    sorry people i will have to update the map because there are a few errors that i found
    the land that the pigs are on cost to much 6 million so will try to change this

  2. scooby 16. 09 2017

    Mod: Hagenstedt productions
    flour is just for sale at the spinnery

  3. scooby 15. 09 2017

    Mod: Hagenstedt productions
    so make it better if you think you can

  4. scooby 14. 02 2017

    Mod: Goldcrest production map xxl
    hi people as you may know that the fabrikscript no longer works for this map as regards the pallets so here is a work around the problem download the FillablePalletFix.lua and put this in the script folder and add an entry to the modDesc.xml under <extraSourceFiles>
    <sourceFile filename="scripts/FillablePalletFix.lua" />
    this should get the pallets working again

  5. scooby 03. 02 2017

    Mod: Norway
    how about credits for the greenhouses and the pallet productions

    1 replies

  6. scooby 27. 12 2016

    Mod: fermenting silo
    version 2 on its way as i put the bale trigger in wrong place or you can fix it yourself.
    just move the bale trigger from the triptrigger tree and put it in Rohstoff1_sR tree under the displays.... only if you know how to use the editor or wait for me to upload again

  7. scooby 25. 12 2016

    Mod: Goldcrest Productions
    yes i have already changed somethings like the Mischfutter & Schweinefutter also there is new fermenting silo all with silo triggers to load into trailer and im having a look at the sawmill ****look at screenshot****

    1 replies

  8. scooby 24. 12 2016

    Mod: Goldcrest Productions
    hi i just tried it and all work well produced 3 pallets of boards, so the only thing i can think of is that im using the patch v1.2 for this game and steam version

    2 replies

  9. scooby 24. 12 2016

    Mod: Goldcrest Productions
    run the map on its own with no other mods and see if you still get this error

    4 replies

  10. scooby 24. 12 2016

    Mod: Goldcrest Productions
    because im english and i don`t think google translate works right
    Weil im Englisch und ich glaube nicht, dass Google Übersetzen funktioniert

  11. scooby 12. 12 2016

    Mod: Hagenstedt
    hi good conversion but you forgot about the tip collision part of the map, so if you harvest the first field and the straw does not fall on all of the field this is why. its the same as when you create a nav mesh but change the info layer to tipcol.

  12. scooby 30. 11 2016

    Mod: hagenstedt
    hi people here is a little extra for you because i forgot about the collision part of the map.
    put this file in your savegame and replace the one that is there.
    this will let you tip on the map anywhere apart from the roads and rivers.
    you may have notice on the first field that when you harvest the straw does not fall on all of the field. this file will correct this.

    2 replies

  13. scooby 21. 08 2016

    Mod: The Arches Map
    the same as if you where to harvest sugarbeet

  14. scooby 20. 07 2016

    Mod: Multi-fruit production map
    hi use the ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard_pm3 from version 1, as i forgot to add it.

    1 replies

  15. scooby 13. 07 2016

    Mod: Multi-fruit production map
    next to the greenhouse productions

    1 replies

  16. scooby 17. 06 2016

    Mod: Carrots and Onions Storage
    hay you coped it from my map you could of asked first.

    1 replies

  17. scooby 15. 06 2016

    Mod: production map
    multi fruit map gone live

  18. scooby 09. 06 2016

    Mod: production map
    hi sorry for the delay in V3 but its now a multifruit version and iv`e just finished the truck that will be able to collect all the pallets on the map which will be included in the download in a few days

    2 replies

  19. scooby 04. 06 2016

    Mod: production map
    you need to use the Kotte Universal Pack from

  20. scooby 03. 06 2016

    Mod: production map
    hi could you tell me what triggers that do not work so i can fix them

    1 replies

  21. scooby 01. 06 2016

    Mod: production map
    in the village or the spinnery where you sell wool

  22. scooby 01. 06 2016

    Mod: production map
    hi i will upload v3 of this map with fixed errors and i have changed a lot of things and added more fruit

    2 replies

  23. scooby 01. 06 2016

    Mod: Pda Map for the Production map
    hi im the author of this map please tell me how you made this pda map as i only know the old way of making it.

  24. scooby 29. 05 2016

    Mod: production map
    you can use seeds or wheat for the greenhouses

  25. scooby 29. 05 2016

    Mod: production map
    mods you may need if you don`t have them already
    Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack from
    GuelleMistMod & ZZZ_ChoppedStraw

  26. scooby 17. 12 2015

    Mod: Sosnovka Storage addon deluxe
    hi you are using the old one because you probably got both in your mods folder so delete the old one and v3 should work

  27. scooby 09. 12 2015

    Mod: Sosnovka Storage addon deluxe
    hi finn61 check your mods folder for any other sosnovka storage addons and take them out and this will probably work if not rename your mods folder to mods1 and make a new mods folder with this in it to see if it works.

    1 replies

  28. scooby 20. 11 2015

    Mod: Calves breeding shelter
    good mod but are you going to do a sheep version