
V mod for Farming Simulator 17

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This is the original Hagenstedt from Farming simulator 2013, i have converted it to Farming Simulator 17,  and updated the tree's, bushes, and general textures throughout the map.

I hope you enjoy playing on this map as much as i did back in the day.

As of version, the map has seen the addition of many new objects, full support for the Seasons Mod, and many small fixes. While there have been many changes made to the map, I tried to maintain the original style and layout of the map. Instead of feeling like a different map, it feels like a more modern version of the original. 

Please report any bugs you find in the comments below!


Original author: Giants Software.

Conversion/Redesign: Farmer Klink

Shed Package: Agrarteam Franken

Woodshed with light: Niggels - VertexDezign

Multipurpose Hall: Christen Farmland Technik

LPG Mountain Halls Package: fqC Art.

Buildings from Lossberg: Niggels - VertexDezign

Compost: Timoks_LS

Field Gates Galvanized: Dorset

Special Thanks:  scooby (For help resolving the Collision map problems.) OldBor (For his forum post on FS-UK which enlightened me on the PDA hotspot positioning.) Krassmann (For beta-testing and input on this new version.) Realismus Modding (For their excellent documentation which made the implimentation of the Seasons Mod quite simple.)


  • 15 Oct 20:16

    1. Added full support for the Seasons Mod
    2. Replaced many of the old buildings on the map. (New buildings have functioning lights and doors.)
    3. Fixed many small bugs throughout the map, including missing fence posts, floating tree's, poor texture quality, etc.
    4. Added Working gates for many area's of the map.
    5. Added Working train and sell point "Freightyard"
    6. Added working lights for the Golf Course and Mill.
    7. Implemented Pig-mud textures at the Pig area.
    8. Added collectable gold nuggets throughout the map.

  • 13 Dec 19:09

    1. Fixed non-purchasable fields on the map.
    2. Fixed remnants of old cow-zone buildings.
    3. Fixed Depression in the Biogas plant ground.
    4. Removed grass in the silo's at the Biogas plant.

  • 13 Dec 12:47

    1. Fixed Collision map.
    2. Fixed positioning of Hotspots on the PDA map.
    3. Fixed spawning inside of buildings when teleporting to locations on the PDA.
    4. Added working lights to the Big sheds throughout the map.
    5. Various other small fixes.

  • 12 Dec 04:30


checksum: 9e0e4cbd7c9d12025408ea285890943c
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Farmer Klink
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Hagenstedt
description in shop: Dies ist das originale Hagenstedt aus dem Landwirtschaftssimulator 2013. Die Map wurde in den FS 17 konvertiert. Einige Gebäude wurden upgedatet und Lichter und Türen funktionieren nun. Das originale Layout und die Atmosphäre bleiben unverändert. Schweine, Kühe, Schafe und Hühner sind implementiert und auf volle Funktionalität in der derzeit aktuellsten Spielversion gebracht.

12.12 2016
Modhoster user rating
3.97 / 37 Votes


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Farming Simulator 17
448 MB 6326
15. 10 2017 6,326
Farming Simulator 17
333 MB 5450
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Farming Simulator 17
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14 Comments for Hagenstedt

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  1. AlbertKropp 13. 01 2020

    After much research and consideration I have decided not to release my conversion of Hagenstedt for FS19. There are many features that I simply cannot find a workable way to port over from the original map, such as the three different styles of farm ownership for MP and SP. Hagenstedt isn't dead, if FS21 is good enough to warrant the conversion, I will once again bring the map to life for this installment in the Farming Simulator Franchise.

  2. AlbertKropp 29. 10 2018

    I have received several personal messages inquiring about my plans for a version of Hagenstedt for FS19, and I will tell you all plainly that I do intend to do a full conversion. This will likely take some time, however. I do this work on my free time, and I don't get paid for it...so don't expect it to happen right away after release.

  3. AlbertKropp 16. 10 2017

    Version is now live! This version comes packed with new features including full support for the Seasons mod, many new buildings around the map, a working train, and so much more!

  4. nono123 24. 08 2017

    I"ve loved the Hagenstedt in LS13. Also i loved the whole game.
    Very good work! Now im able to play the Hagenstedt again yeeeehaaaw! :D

  5. AlbertKropp 14. 12 2016

    "Wirklich tolle Karte aber wo bitte ist das Sägewerk "

    There is no sawmill on the map, forestry is not a focus with Hagenstedt. If you wish to do forestry, then you can buy one of the place-able wood sellers.

  6. AlbertKropp 13. 12 2016

    You can all show your appreciation for my work by rating it up, and voting for it to be featured! :)

  7. Rubberduck2 13. 12 2016

    Thank you for the good map. 5/5 stars.

  8. AlbertKropp 13. 12 2016

    Version is now live! My apologies for such frequent updates...however I am confident that this will be the last one!

  9. AlbertKropp 13. 12 2016

    Depression at the BGA plant has just been fixed...as well as the remnants of the old cow zone. I also removed the little clumps of grass around the Biogas silo's...

  10. AlbertKropp 13. 12 2016

    Version has been uploaded, and is awaiting approval, you can expect to download it within a few hours. Enjoy!

  11. AlbertKropp 12. 12 2016

    Update: I have already fixed the map collision problems, and am moving on to work on the PDA, you can expect an update to be released within the next few days!

  12. AlbertKropp 12. 12 2016

    Thank you for telling me how to create the collision maps...I was completely unsure how this worked. I will promptly update the map, and see what can be done about the location icons as well.

  13. scooby 12. 12 2016

    hi good conversion but you forgot about the tip collision part of the map, so if you harvest the first field and the straw does not fall on all of the field this is why. its the same as when you create a nav mesh but change the info layer to tipcol.

  14. ncraiders 12. 12 2016

    Overall the map is good but the pda map has the wrong locations marked for most places. Also i noticed at the bga there was a section of ground that was not leveled to the same height as the rest of the area. I like the map and would love to play it but since i never played the original map i dont actually know the locations of all the plaves on the map. I hope this gets fixed so that i can start playing on the map at some point.
