Userprofile of marcel4499
Member since 12 / 2017

Punkte: 5
Level 1
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About marcel4499

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  1. marcel4499 10. 11 2019

    Mod: Puur Nederland Season ready
    Nice map!
    question, why can't I unload the mix feeder with TMR in the cow barn? It says TMR is not accepted?

  2. marcel4499 03. 12 2017

    Mod: südharz Map
    no very easy, you can use giants editor to delete the trees (did it myself too) if you dont know how to, just watch a few videos on youtube, then u will learn quickly

    example: (works the same with trees)

  3. marcel4499 02. 12 2017

    Mod: südharz Map
    not that i'm aware of, its just for straw, and straw is already in the game.
    the only thing thats new are molasses, bale net and bale twine pallets but that should not be the problem i guess?

    further i got the latest version of the map, and tried using no mods only this map and straw harvest addon but doesnt work either.

    other maps (also with alot of fruit types) work perfectly

  4. marcel4499 02. 12 2017

    Mod: südharz Map
    Great map!
    But I bought Straw harvest addon, and now the game gets stuck while loading and says, giants engine has stopped working. any help?

    1 replies

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