Userprofile of @lex
Member since 7 / 2013

Punkte: 2.340
Modder Level 12
Rank: #810
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About @lex

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  1. @lex 17. 05 2016

    Mod: KVERNELAND NG S 601 F35
    Very bad conversion !
    Not the same with version of fs2011 and fs2013, the work on this mod is shameful.
    Sorry for the poster but it must not share it

  2. @lex 24. 10 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger Set
    In script: RopaEuroTiger_XL.lua

    Line 333, copy this line and save:

    local attributes = 'steeringMode="'.. tostring(self.steeringMode) ..'"';

    1 replies

  3. @lex 15. 10 2015

    The mod had no errors on the log. If you have errors tins your another mods and certainly not the ropa. Lern to play with good mods before complain

    1 replies

  4. @lex 15. 10 2015

    I have nothing against you but against moderators. They have refused to publish my work and accept yours. Perhaps i should reskin this ropa with hello kitty's textures ^^

  5. @lex 15. 10 2015

    Thank you to you.
    You're a good person and i'm happy that you let me convert your mods for all community's players

  6. @lex 15. 10 2015

    It´s very stoopid from modhoster !!
    I've past 2 month to convert this ropa with all functionnality of ls2013. I have permission of original's authors and modhoster want not publish my work.

    But marv63 who have done nothing on this mod can publish my work. Lol it's normal ??

    1 replies

  7. @lex 15. 10 2015

    Hi all,

    I'm author of this conversion. I would publish the ropa here but moderator had refused the mod. Of course i have permission of maciusboss1 and burner.

    For the problem with manualignition it´s not the ropa but this addon. I have modified manualignition and now he works fine with the ropa.

    1 replies

    1. maciusboss1 15. 10 2015

      Mod: ROPA EURO MAUS 3
      Thank you my friend (^_^)

      1 replies

      1. @lex 15. 10 2015

        Mod: ROPA EURO MAUS 3
        Thank you to you.
        You're a good person and i'm happy that you let me convert your mods for all community's players

  8. @lex 13. 10 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger V8 3
    I use not manualignition, i go to see the problem :)

  9. @lex 12. 10 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger V8 3
    hi, i have converted the ropa euro maus 3 with permission of maciusboss1 and burner. Today i have posted the mod but modhoster has not yet validated the publication. You must wait, maybe this night or tomorrow :)

    2 replies

  10. @lex 12. 10 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger V8 3
    Thank you Burner to recognize and appreciate the work on your mod

  11. @lex 12. 10 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger V8 3
    Thank you to have corrected your description :)

  12. @lex 12. 10 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger V8 3
    Original conversion by Frabel Ls-Modding and it isn't in credits. Thank you to respect my job !

    3 replies

  13. @lex 24. 07 2015

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger Set

    Ropa Euro Tiger is a sugarbeet's harvester and not potato ^^

    1 replies

  14. @lex 03. 02 2015

    Mod: 5 tipper Dezeure TT
    you know what is Variable body ?
    Off course no, before complaining, first learned to play.
    Apparently you know nothing about modding, looks xml of trailers and you will have the answer to your question.

  15. @lex 03. 02 2015

    Mod: 5 tipper Dezeure TT
    Thanks for reporting this problem.

    I fix that for another version :)

  16. @lex 03. 02 2015

    Mod: 5 tipper Dezeure TT
    One standard trailer and red is special edition

  17. @lex 17. 01 2015

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    In modDesc you can see that the key is "z" but ingame it's key w because Giants use a german keyboard in qwerty or french have azerty keyboard

  18. @lex 17. 01 2015

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    if your threashing parameters are bad, you lost crops, it's normal :)

  19. @lex 17. 01 2015

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Before threshing you must start the combine with key W. In internal view, you can see the display who show 1050 by default

    3 replies

  20. @lex 16. 01 2015

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Yes and what ??
    I'm french, not german. I use a translate and i'm not responsable for bad words who are used.

    2 replies

  21. @lex 12. 01 2015

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    No because scripts aren't compatible for dedi server.
    In MP the hoster can use this combine but not guests

  22. @lex 22. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    You can if you're hoster.
    If you're guest, hoster must configure the combine before to harvest. But you must use the mod "Manual Ignition"

  23. @lex 21. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    I prepare a version 2.0 with possibility to attach a trailer for cutter.
    Must be patient ;)

    2 replies

  24. @lex 17. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    This Renault is the 155-54 version.
    It´s a WIP but he isn't from FraBel LS-Modding but from LS MOD TEAM FRANCE. It´s a convert version from LS2011 and just the author can put him to download.

  25. @lex 16. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Thank for your comment.
    I have keep and repare all scripts that i can. The others that you knows of FS13 et FS11 aren't compatible, they must be re-writable. Therebefore you can't choose speed rotating of cutter and up and down manually.
    In the pdf, not mistake with crops, the button ingame is the picture of pdf: wheat-barley-maize-rape.
    For the visibility, it was very difficult to find the better position of panel and i decided to put him in left side because no place elsewhere.

  26. @lex 16. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    lol ok no thanks, and no problem for your english language, myself i'm not english but french ^^

  27. @lex 15. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Read my message of the top, i have answered, thank.

  28. @lex 15. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    That removes all the interest of the mod.
    If you read well the pdf notice, you haven't any problem to use this Case.

  29. @lex 15. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Renault is in WIP now.
    Thank you

  30. @lex 15. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Yes BP15 is in WIP
    Be patient

  31. @lex 14. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Thank you very much !!

  32. @lex 14. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Thanks for your comment !!

  33. @lex 14. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Ich werde dieses Problem in einer zukünftigen Version zu regulieren.
    Ich hatte nicht auf dieses Detail geachtet.
    Danke, dass ihr mir teilen.

    Die fehler ist menschlich, und es kann jedem passieren

  34. @lex 14. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Hey guys,

    give your impression to fix problems for a 2.0 version.


  35. @lex 14. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    Cutter and Cornheader are compatible with original trailer, therefore why to work a another ??

  36. @lex 14. 12 2014

    Mod: Case IH 5130 Axial Flow
    i have no problem with another mods or scripts.
    See your mods that you use

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