Userprofile of lancyboi
Member since 11 / 2014

Punkte: 12
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: lance Age & Gender: 46 m City: northants Hobbies: music3554 Homepage no entry

About lancyboi

like to train mma when I have time
  1. lancyboi 04. 06 2017

    Mod: AGRI_OC
    Désolé de poster de mauvaises nouvelles, mais quelqu'un sur Facebook prétend que c'est leur création. Vraiment désolé les gars vous avez mis beaucoup de travail dur dans ce projet. Je ne fais que nous défendre "Mapper's & Modellers". Désolé, mec. Le gars affirme aussi que vous avez volé le projet de lui.

  2. lancyboi 04. 06 2017

    Mod: AGRI_OC
    sorry to be the barer of bad news but someone on facebook is claiming to be there work... really am sorry guys you have put so much hard work in to this only defending us mappers & modders.....if you wanna get in contact with me i have all the info and the map hes claiming to be his and hes changed all names in the modesc file but hasent changedt the i3d file.the only way i found you guys is by AGRI OC ...sorry guys?

    i have proof what hes been telling me and i can send u every convo hes been telling me..

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