Member since 3 / 2011
Userprofile of Heroic7480
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Farming Simulator
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About Heroic7480
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Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
Northeast OHIO 2015
ago about 9 years
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Mod: Oklahoma usa
After changing the moddesc nr to 30 the map showed up ingame, but starting up it made a lot of LUA errors: C:/Users/Henrik/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/OklahomaV1/scripts/CombineStrawFix.lua:49: attempt to compare number with nil
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
Mod: John Deere 2730
Thanks a lot Joe, this is an awesome piece of equipment :D
Mod: California Central Valley
Hi, great map, I was wondering were the biogas plant is? In ur previous version I knew the location but have been looking everywhere but couldn´t find it.... Can you help or is it removed? Or can anyone else? I´m on a assignment from the Feldauftragsmod...
Mod: Südthüringen
Courseplay works fine in my game, a few fields like grass fields the course is through trees but works anyway...
Mod: Südthüringen
Really great map you have made, I have about 80 hours of gaming on it by now and more to come :)
Ju have a small problem; I can´t seem to find the sellpoint/trigger for LH Warnow... where is it supposed to be?
Thanks again for the great map.
Mod: KRONE BIGX 1100 WITH 100K
Use Courseplay instead this is going against the concept of simulation, or you can use the shuttle version of the chopper...
Mod: More Realistic Gearbox Addon
it does not work for me, and when trying to sell vehicles it freezes the game - makes a big error, that means I have to force a shut down of FS... :-/
Mod: Lemko Topaz 140
It says Lemken on it, not Lemko....!!! ??
Mod: Nubsi island's agricultural land III
Hey guysm did you read what it says about those two files that are needed for the map to start?? put those in ur mod map and it just might help... ;)