More Realistic Gearbox Addon

V 0.9 beta MR mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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This mod requires moreRealistic version 1.3 ...

Not every tractor has a continuously variable transmission. Since I was tired afterwards install the Spezialisierng for a manual transmission in every beautiful tractor, I wrote this mod. He adds, based on the configuration file zzzMrGearboxAddonConfig.xml the configured there tractors subsequently added a gear shift. For the following tractors is already a basic configuration in the mod itself contain:

  • moreRealisticVehicles / Deutz TTV 6190
    • 24 forward and 24 reverse speeds
    • 6 courses
    • 4 powershift speeds with automatic
    • Reverse Gear
  • moreRealisticVehicles / Schlüter 2500 VL Supertrac
    • 18 forward and 6 reverse gears
    • 6 courses
    • 3 powershift stages + 1 reverse
    • The clutch opening and closing to simulate at high speeds, the turbo coupling
  • moreRealisticVehicles / Lindner Geotrac 94
    • 16 forward and 8 reverse gears
    • 4 courses
    • Two load levels scarf with automatic (speed matching)
    • 2 groups + 1 reverse
  • moreRealisticVehicles / Kramer KL200
    • 5 forward gears + 1 reverse
  • Fendt Farmer 312 LSA (
    • 28 forward and 24 reverse speeds
    • 4 courses
    • 6 groups + overdrive
    • Reverse Gear
    • The clutch opening and closing to simulate at high speeds, the turbo coupling
  • MB Trac 1800 ( 1800 intercooler 210hp-edition)
    • 16 forward and 16 reverse gears
    • 8 courses
    • 2 groups
    • Reverse Gear
  • Audi A6 Avant 2.7 TDI (
    • 6 forward gears + 1 reverse
  • MB Trac 900 (
    • 16 forward and 4 reverse gears
    • 4 gears + 1 reverse
    • 4 groups
  • John Deere 6170R (
    • AutoQuad with 20/20 gears
    • 4 courses. shiftable and automated
    • 5 groups
    • Reverse Gear
  • John Deere 6210R (
    • Direct Drive with 24/24 gears
    • 8 courses. shiftable and automated
    • 3 groups
    • Reverse Gear
  • MF 698 T (
    • 12 forward and 4 reverse gears
    • 4 courses
    • 3 groups + 1 reverse
  • Unimog 406 U84
    • (
    • (Http:// model series-construction)
    • 12 forward and 4 reverse gears
    • 6 courses, of which only the transitions 1 and 2 reverse
    • 2 groups
  • Deutz DX 140 (
    • 16 forward and 8 reverse gears
    • 4 courses
    • 2 powershift speeds
    • 2 groups + 1 reverse
  • Schlüter Super 2000 LS (
    • 24 forward and 12 reverse gears
    • 6 courses
    • 2 powershift speeds
    • 2 groups + 1 reverse
    • The clutch opening and closing to simulate at high speeds, the turbo coupling
  • Schlüter Super 1500 TVL Special (
    • 12 forward and 6 reverse gears
    • 6 courses
    • 2 groups + 1 reverse
    • The clutch opening and closing to simulate at high speeds, the turbo coupling

The operation is done using the following keys:

  • Ü and Ä: turn up and down
  • + And #: break, same with the right Shift key for group 2
  • -: Press the clutch manually, important when starting on a hill
  • Spacebar: gearbox forwards / backwards

One can itself create additional configurations. Do this create in himself Modsordner the zzzMrGearboxAddonConfig.xmlan file. The mod itself is already such a file, which can be good to use as a template. As you certainly want to create a torque curve at the beginning, one can be generated from the existing motor data (<real engine generate torque = "true" />). So I did the MF 698 T.

The MOD is still BETA!


Vorlage war mrGearbox2.lua von Dural

  • 22 Aug 11:02
    Version 0.9 beta MR

    - viele zusätzliche Traktoren bereits konfiguriert
    - Handgas

  • 11 Aug 11:06
    Version 0.8 beta

    Erste Beta Version


checksum: 91ea3c5ddb661918af83b16d8336a6db
Version: 0.9 beta MR
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Mogli aka Biedens
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

11.08 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.63 / 32 Votes


nach 30 Stimmen

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V 0.9 beta MR
Farming Simulator 2013
54.3 KB 10813
22. 08 2014 10,813
V 0.8 beta
Farming Simulator 2013
50.1 KB 6357
11. 08 2014 6,357

3 Comments for More Realistic Gearbox Addon

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  1. Reido 10. 09 2014

    It seems the problem with the resetting of the vehicles was MY fault. When I was looking through one of the scripts I saw what I thought was a formatting error in one line so I "fixed" it, this caused the routine to malfunction. Once I replaced that script with one from the original archive all was well again and vehicles now reset properly.

    I apologize for any inconvenience my error report may have caused, it's just a case of my lack of scripting experience showing through.


  2. Reido 07. 09 2014

    I found an issue, when resetting a vehicle it's copied with the original being left in place and a new vehicle going back to the farmyard.

    Tested with only the following mods installed:
    "More Realistic" mod v1.3.66 (5 main files, engine, DLC's, vehicles, alt tipping, genuine map )
    FS2013 v2.1.1.0 Public Beta1
    zzzMrGearboxAddon v0.9b

    It seems as though the "mrGearboxMogliLoader.lua" is not generating the required
    "return BaseMission.VEHICLE_LOAD_OK;" statement.

    As a temporary workaround I inserted the above static return statement in line 68 and it appears to work OK for now with regards to resetting a vehicle. My LUA scripting is limited so I can't really follow that section very well.

    There is also text missing for the mrGearboxMogliMINRPM keys in the l10n section of the modDesc.xml

    Otherwise it's an excellent mod, very useful.


  3. Jachu2530 18. 08 2014

    Is it mp compatible?

    1 replies
