Since there were two errors in the map is now bug-free version with small changes. Unfortunately you have to start a new game.
Centrally located large modern central courtyard with plenty of storage facilities and adjacent cow pasture. At this point I would also like to thank Blackburner for his great preparation. In the stable at the cow pasture and grass silage can unload it to feed the cows. Behind the house is the shredder ball. At the stable at the two gates is a pipe installed at the manure you remove the manure of cows can produce.
The farm is located on the beach 2. This is also considered very liberal and has to look at the picture a place for the FertilizerMod. The barn is also possible to unload again and grass silage. In addition to the barn is the manure pit which is filled from the BGA. You can write on the opposite Mapende sale at Greenpeace Energy. In addition to manure and manure and grass, there is assumed.
3 The court is very closely held to enjoy playing with small machines. There too it is possible at any other farm crop varieties from the installed default and recharge.
A gas station was built with only deliberate on the main courtyard. It has been integrated onto the map to collect bottles are hidden in a pile - even as a thank you to Blackburn for his preparatory work.
Sales stations are:
Agravis in the Harbour "- as a port in the PDA Greenpeace energy Brewery Agravis on the hill nursery
In the village and walk to the pedestrian through the park In the park there is a transponder of the high brings you to the ruins. The traffic movement has been adjusted on the map the streets.
This is now an error-free map, which caused no negative log entries, warnings or even call stack that runs on PCs with the minimum requirement of Giants.
In Modpack is included:
Manure trailer - built for the transportation of manure, not to spread on the fields. A turntable for the transport to the sawmill A turntable for the transport of manure The excavator with grapple for loading the logs A transport trailer with a tractor or other equipment for the excavator. LiquidManure (manure) Mod Manure (dung) Mod
The following 2 files are needed (NOT WITHOUT THIS STARTS THE MAP)
Unzip the downloaded file and extract all the 1 x contained in Zip files NOT but as more move into your fs_game folder. The map needs a new game to avoid any errors.
I wish now have fun in single or multiplayer game with the map.
I would like to thank myself for all modders Dehren objects I installed on my map. Without your preliminary work, it is not possible to build such a great map's.
This mod may not be offered without an agreement on other pages. But please use the original download link.
The mod may be placed anywhere to DL but only with original link. A mod lehet bárhol elhelyezhetQ a DL, de csak az Eredeti link. mod moze byt UMIST? na na kdekoliv DL, ale pouze s povodní odkaz. mod mo | e by? umieszczony w miejscu na dowolnym DL, ale tylko z oryginalnym link. Peut être le mod placé à n'importe où DL, mais avec un lien d'origine Seulement.
3 Comments for Nubsi island's agricultural land III
Hey guysm did you read what it says about those two files that are needed for the map to start?? put those in ur mod map and it just might help... ;)
Das ist ne Hammer map!!!
Schon map :D cool sie gut aus