Userprofile of DAC99
Member since 1 / 2013

Punkte: 12
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: David Age & Gender: m City: Deventer, Netherlands Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About DAC99

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  1. DAC99 20. 07 2014

    Mod: AGS Map
    Already answered in one of your previous posts: add mod mapdoortrigger to your modsfolder

  2. DAC99 19. 07 2014

    Mod: AGS Map
    add mapdoortrigger to your mods

  3. DAC99 15. 04 2013

    Mod: Andres Channel Map Multifrucht
    Thank you, time to harvest some greenwheat now.

  4. DAC99 14. 04 2013

    Mod: Andres Channel Map Multifrucht
    Sorry bigblue, but he is correct: The green Deutz combine from the bassumerland pack does not cut greenwheat. The xdisc only chops it to chaff.

    So the question stays: how to harvest greenwheat?

  5. DAC99 18. 02 2013

    Mod: Core city
    did you unpack it?
    The file you download has 5 files in it, 1 pdf, 2 txt, 2 zip.
    Choose one of the zips for your mods folder.

  6. DAC99 25. 01 2013

    Mod: Weites Offenes Land
    Well, where do I start?
    1.The pda-map is, as it was in LS11, not correct. Just look at the fields east and south of the main farm.
    2.Why do we have to harvest fields we dont own (and why is that even possible)?
    3.Why is it that I don't own any field at all? With these fieldprices it would be nice to have at least 1 field.
    4.Why are there two salepoints with railroads that lead nowhere (they just stop outside the building)?
    5.The mill is floating....
    6.Village in the south is apparently abandoned, because grass is growing in front of every door and window.
    7.Second farm in the south. What's with that tipoff building for potato's etc.? It is so out of place there, oh and it should be sunk in the ground (at least the first level).

    I can go on, but I won't. I like the layout of the map, mainly because I like big, squared fields that are easy to work on with helpers.
    Unfortunately, on this map you only showed your copy - paste abilities, by using every Hagensted building. Just not in a good way.
    I hope you take your time before you release a V2, and make that a visually good map.

  7. DAC99 23. 01 2013

    Mod: Danube Valley
    by the way: we = all users

  8. DAC99 23. 01 2013

    Mod: Danube Valley
    Thanks for your work on this map, really like it. Please take the time to fix all issues we found. Don't feel forced to release it too soon.
    In addition to the buglist, I found that I couldn't fill the mobile fuel tank at the fixed tank at the main farm. Perhaps a missing trigger or fruittype??

    Again thanks for the map, loved the v3 in LS11. Hope you make similar additions as they come available. (=productionmod, multifruit, etc)

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