Andres Channel Map Multifrucht

V 2.6 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Andres Channel Map V2.6 Multi-Fruit




Hello and MoinMoin

I have again made the Andres channel map and even the couple changed things.


Multi-Fruit is now the can grow their sunflowers, green wheat, tomatoes and cucumbers.


Because again a big thanks to Pipa and ieg53i who helped me implement it.


I have to say when you harvest it with a steam thresher is also open to the wheat.


What else is different about the V2.6?


Have kept the farm that is slightly smaller cows, sheep and chickens have to get their own place.


Besides is not to say that there is no more milk trucks can now drive away the milk itself, or you use the MilkTruckTriggerPlaceable v 1.0 of Marhu.


Have been joined by even the WaterModv2.0 Marhu.


For some who do not know my map.




Sales points:

Country trade








Some information about the PDA display of the prices unfortunately I did not come all this together is not so wonderful when you can not see some prices.

If someone has a hint how to fix this with PM to me.



For the whiners and know-alls!


What I would like to get rid of is I have not taken so much Deco, because I get to hear again basks what to order or why it is so little, or why are so few trees da.Da to say there is only one thing I placeable objects . way, everyone can make the map itself as möchte.Eins I have for users who have not yet myself but what made only nagging and bitching on the legs load your stupid comments and stupid sayings makes it better then you know something it makes for a job as a map or mod to tinker.




So now the end of many words have fun while gambling.


LG Bigblue




Who has not the sound file


The file then please the sound verzeichnes: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Farming Simulator 2013 \ data \ maps \ sounds



The map may not be modified without my consent or Uploaded werdenFür other forums please use the download link orgenalen

The map can not be changed without my consent or Uploaded
For other forums please use the download link orgenalen


Mods for tomatoes and cucumbers

Mods for sunflower and wheat Green


Ganelcer-Futterlager Mit Funktion,Huehnerstall
Richi*3-Halle aus 08 für LS13 mit beweglichen Tore
Ekkehard-Klappbrücke und Zugbruecke mit Funktion
LWS Terminator-Industrieanlage
Bedanke mich bei allen den Mods ich verbaut habe.

  • 12 Apr 10:36
    Version 2.6


checksum: 42ff1cf4ecd3890bf213144fd5d4a538
Version: 2.6
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bigblue
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Andres Kanal Map V2.6
description in shop: Landwirtschaft, denn es macht Spaß!
checksum: 42ff1cf4ecd3890bf213144fd5d4a538
Version: 2.6
multiplayer ready? no
Author: krome27
price in shop: 35000 LS
name in shop: Poettinger Jumbo
description in shop: Poettinger jumbo 10010cl with michelin axiobib wheels.

12.04 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.87 / 15 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.6
Farming Simulator 2013
244 MB 3892
12. 04 2013 3,892

1 Comments for Andres Channel Map Multifrucht

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  1. skjatala 16. 04 2013

    what shall we do with Green Wheat windrow ? any machine can pickup that Stench?

    Was sollen wir mit Green Wheat Schwade tun? jede Maschine abholen können, dass Gestank.

    1 replies
