Userprofile of casper9128
Member since 11 / 2012

Punkte: 22
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: David Age & Gender: m City: Edinburgh Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About casper9128

no entry
  1. casper9128 10. 04 2016

    Mod: Claas Xerion Saddle Trac 3800
    Thank you Bayerbua for providing us with this mod it is by far one of the best mods ever to be released for the game. Great work with amazing attention to detail and no errors which is rare to see for such a detailed mod. I look forward to future releases as I am sure they will be of the same great quality.

  2. casper9128 25. 10 2015

    Mod: Euro Agrar Multifruit
    hi there can anyone help me, i am at a loss as to why iam getting these errors,

    Farming Simulator 15
    Version: 1.4.1RC2
    Available Languages: en fr es it nl pt
    Language: en
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Mod directory: C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
    Load dlc: pdlc_itRunnerPack
    Load dlc: pdlc_jcbPack
    Load mod: AAA_UniversalProcessKit
    Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
    Load mod: CaseIHPuma165cvx
    Load mod: EAMap
    Load mod: Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack
    Load mod: Kotte_Universal_Pack
    Load mod: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper
    Load mod: MapAmpeln
    Load mod: MoneyMod15
    Load mod: placeableCarWash_V1_1
    Load mod: ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
    Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_EAMap
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftTrailer
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainer
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerTrailer
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerDynamicMountAttacher
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerManureBarrel
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerManureSpreader
    Register vehicle type: CaseIHPuma165cvx.Case_Puma165
    Register fruit type: woodChips on: ...
    *** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
    Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on
    Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on
    Script ViehMarkt v2.0.0-95b by Marhu loaded! Support on
    Script SchweineZucht v5.0.0-107 by Marhu loaded! Support on
    SPYcam Script v1.0.1 loaded!
    Register filltype: H-Milch/UHT milk
    Register vehicle type: EAMap.landRoverdefender
    Register vehicle type: EAMap.DodgeRamPickup
    Register vehicle type: Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.MANTGS_AT
    Register vehicle type: Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.FlieglAT
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.Kotte_Universal_MAN
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversal
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalSemi
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalsmall
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper.UPKMANTGSTipper
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper.UPKFlieglTMKTipper
    Map: Ampel Trigger v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
    Map: TrafficLights 3er v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
    Map: TrafficLights 4er v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
    Euro-Agrar Map Version: v0.99.9
    loading AdditionalFruitTypes
    AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
    \__ Register fruitType: Sunflower (sunflower) [key 14]
    \__ Register fruitType: Mohn (mohn) [key 15]
    \__ Register fruitType: Oat (oat) [key 16]
    \____ Register windrowType: oat_windrow (oat_windrow)
    \______ ForageWagonConversion registered: oat_windrow -> wheat
    dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.23 ms)
    dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.24 ms)
    dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.21 ms)
    data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (15.86 ms)
    data/sky/rain.i3d (3.06 ms)
    data/sky/hail.i3d (1.73 ms)
    data/sky/dust.i3d (1.76 ms)
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//EAMap/Sky/dust.i3d (12.77 ms)
    Euro-Agrar Map v0.99 beta: Register Fill type: Wood Pellets, pig, pig, beef, beef, sheep, young sheep, fattened chicken, young chicken,
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//EAMap/map/EA.i3d (31956.84 ms)
    Script WoolPaletteCollector v2.2.1b by Marhu created id 379749! Support on
    Error: (SchweineZucht) invalid fillType pigForage in Trough
    Error: (SchweineZucht) invalid fillType pigForage in Trough
    Error: (SchweineZucht) invalid fillType pigForage in Trough
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    --- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.4 (by Blacky_BPG)---
    *** ChoppedStraw v15.0.05 specialization loading ***
    --- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_EAMap/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
    data/vehicles/tools/vaederstad/vaederstadTempoF8.i3d (74.70 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vaederstad/vaederstadTempoF8.i3d (10.08 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/vogelNoot/vogelNootTerraDisc600.i3d (48.21 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vogelNoot/vogelNootTerraDisc600.i3d (5.45 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/steyr/steyrMulti4115.i3d (103.88 ms)
    dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (696.25 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzFahr7250.i3d (83.73 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIH7130.i3d (113.37 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/caseIH/caseIH3412Corn.i3d (21.00 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/caseIH/caseIH3020Cutter.i3d (37.89 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/vaederstad/vaederstadRapidA600S.i3d (44.81 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vaederstad/vaederstadRapidA600S.i3d (2.78 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/thueringerAgrar/thueringerAgrarLeguan.i3d (17.42 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/ursus/ursus15014.i3d (64.53 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/liebherr/liebherrTL432_7.i3d (109.15 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/poettinger/poettingerEuroboss330T.i3d (55.72 ms)
    data/vehicles/balers/newHolland/newHollandRollBelt150.i3d (49.04 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/ursus/ursusT127.i3d (32.70 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/ursus/ursusN270.i3d (45.05 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/marshall/marshallST1800.i3d (33.07 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglTMK266Bull.i3d (41.18 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/kuhn/kuhnPrimor3570.i3d (29.27 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/waterTrailer/waterTrailer.i3d (31.37 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnFC3525F.i3d (35.10 ms)
    data/vehicles/telehandlers/lizard/telehandlerBaleFork.i3d (10.64 ms)
    data/vehicles/telehandlers/lizard/telehandlerManureFork.i3d (2.98 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/fsi/fsiST65T.i3d (14.98 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/stepa/stepaFHL13AK.i3d (46.04 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT6160.i3d (87.67 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIHPuma160.i3d (73.49 ms)
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//EAMap/vehicles\LandRoverDefender_EA\landRoverdefender.i3d (1018.47 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/man/man22s.i3d (92.20 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglASS2101.i3d (37.51 ms)
    data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleStraw_w112_d130.i3d (12.55 ms)
    data/placeables/highPressureWasher/kaercher/kaercherHDS918-4M.i3d (35.21 ms)
    --- loading placeableCarWash - specialization for placeable car wash by 112TEC|schwaki
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//placeableCarWash_V1_1/placeableCarWash.i3d (252.14 ms)
    data/maps/models/objects/pallets/woolPallet.i3d (5.86 ms)
    dataS/character/player/playerCCT.i3d (15.49 ms)
    data/firstPerson/chainsaws/mcCulloch/mcCullochCS410.i3d (38.37 ms)

    1 replies

  3. casper9128 30. 12 2014

    Mod: Setting frame seed fertilizers
    Hi there can you help me iv just loaded this mod into the game and its giving me this error any ideas why and how to fix as its a great mod otherwise.

    Warning: Deleting object 'seedTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'seedTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'seedTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'seedTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'fertilizerTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'fertilizerTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'fertilizerTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'fertilizerTrigger' before all triggers are removed.

  4. casper9128 29. 12 2014

    Mod: Unna district
    How do you transport bread as iv loaded the Krone ProfiLiner truck trailer with bread at the bakers and tried to deliver it to the correct sell point but i cant seem to unload the trailer once i am parked up any help on this please. Thanks.

    1 replies

  5. casper9128 06. 12 2014

    Mod: Grimme Set
    Can these harvest onions and carrots or just Sugar Beet and potatoes.

  6. casper9128 04. 12 2014

    Mod: Unna district
    Can you please help me by telling me where I can find the equipment to harvest the extra fruit types on this map.

    1 replies

  7. casper9128 28. 06 2014

    Mod: John Deere 8530
    hey there guys can someone explain how I get the front hydraulic on this mod. great JD but miss the FH.

    1 replies

  8. casper9128 25. 11 2013

    Mod: Hagenstedt lands multifruit
    Hi there cant seem to get rid of the log errors

    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/map/models/objects/MapSiloBand/PSManure.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/PSHL.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/PSDL.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/PSDL.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/MischStation/PS/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/map/models/objects/MapSiloBand/PSChaff.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/map/models/objects/MapSiloBand/PSChaff.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/map/models/objects/MapSiloBand/PSChaff.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Phoenix/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hagenstedt_lands_multi_fruit_v2/map/models/objects/MapSiloBand/PSManure.i3d
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual02.i3d (0.31mb in 47.95 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/executive03.i3d (0.27mb in 36.24 ms)

  9. casper9128 07. 10 2013

    Mod: John Deere 7R Series 6 and 8 L Set
    Hi there thanks for the release of these great mods been waiting a long time for some really good John Deere mods. The only point I have is that in my log I get the following entry.

    Warning: Character 8482 not found in texture font (Modell:John Deere 7280R v.1 1:1 size!! Project,Model:Ago-Systemtech(ModHoster Team) (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

    Can you please tell me how I can correct this or what could be the reason for this warning.
    thanks again for a great set of tractors.

  10. casper9128 21. 07 2013

    Mod: Claas jaguar 900 cargo MF pack
    Can you please then explain reasons for why when i put in in an empty mods folder and start the game it allows me to buy it and then crashes my game. cant understand what is wrong with it realy want to use it as well.

  11. casper9128 21. 07 2013

    Mod: Claas jaguar 900 cargo MF pack
    Like the look of the mod but needs some revision due to crashing the game once it has been purchased. No i3d or xml files included in download look forward to the revised version

  12. casper9128 04. 06 2013

    Mod: Ford 8630 4wd
    Thanks for finally giving us some good old ford tractors to download Keep them comming

  13. casper9128 24. 04 2013

    Mod: Lamborghini R4 Italia FL
    Yet again another great mod from yourself. I must agree with mikel nice the Krome27 line-up of tractors are amazing. Makes it hard to know which ones to use. Keep up the good work.

  14. casper9128 20. 04 2013

    Yet again another great mod, looking forward to what you release next looking forward to maybe seeing some Case and New Hollands. Great work so far mate.

  15. casper9128 16. 04 2013

    Mod: Massey Ferguson 3080
    sorry for comment regarding what i thought was to be the lack of plough spec it was a mistake on my behalf so for that i apologize great mod keep up the good work

  16. casper9128 27. 03 2013

    Mod: CaseIH Steiger 600HD
    thanks for yet another great mod 5 stars all round just hope you add ploughing_spec to it to make it complete and on the same level as your other mods. keep up the good work really good job.

  17. casper9128 09. 03 2013

    Mod: Huerlimann XL130
    thank you for releasing this mod been waiting a long time for this tractor great mod over all even better with the new functions and plough mod. great work keep it up.

  18. casper9128 05. 03 2013

    Mod: Deutz TTV7250
    Fantastic mod. Thanks. finally the kind of 7250 iv been waiting for. now Dont supose yo could find a way to making a ploughingSpec Case Steiger next could you. keep up the good work this site needs some good quality mods. Well done.

  19. casper9128 02. 03 2013

    Mod: Merano
    Hi there i was just looking at your map and would like to download it as it the kind of map iv been looking for only problem is i cant use the given link could you upload using the modhoster link as well please.

  20. casper9128 11. 01 2013

    Mod: Beaverville
    same problem here crashes game and giants editor hope it can be fixed as looks like it could be a decent map.

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