Userprofile of camineria
Member since 7 / 2013

Punkte: 9
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: Carol Age & Gender: 64 m City: Appingedam Holland Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About camineria

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  1. camineria 12. 10 2016

    yha only the cutter is in download, Modjhoster should give uploader warning for misleading titel

  2. camineria 06. 09 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    >Cafe: iam also sevral days in the map and i did have great demands for Barley, pigs and canola. so difercety in this is pressent.

    >all or modder : stil no reply in matter of slurry sale!!! the trigger at gartencenter must bee there( if other then slurry is on it ill get the massege SLURRY NOT ACCEPTED. but with the slurry tankers standerd or mod CAT FLEET. the trigger wont show. Whats going on here
    . Plz help reply or send PM

  3. camineria 04. 09 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    Have still not found a way to sell slurry!!!! used both standart slurrytankers and tryed also the slurrytanker from the CATPACK.

  4. camineria 29. 08 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    quote:I will post a new version with some corrections.
    - Fixed problem when you unload beet or potato warehouse in the main farm their FPS drop
    - Removed a box in the middle of the field 17
    Will this version alowe us to contignu our savegame???

  5. camineria 29. 08 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    cant sell slurry, default tankers and 2 other mod tankers dont give salestrigger at gartencenter!!! plz help

  6. camineria 29. 08 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    matti hast du demm richtige tanker fur wasserfullen beim tieren??

  7. camineria 27. 08 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    grrrr 1.3 geth nicht und dem fehler foher gemeldet im english ist im 0.92
    hoffe dass ironhide sich melded mit dem link fur den patch

  8. camineria 27. 08 2013

    Mod: Paradise Final Edition
    found a little but anoying problem: bougth field 11 and down the edge to field 10 a area wont accept work done to it. keeps saying "you dont owne this field" can you fix??

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