Userprofile of boloss
Member since 10 / 2012

Punkte: 172
Level 6
Rank: n/a
First name: boloss Age & Gender: 105 m City: france Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About boloss

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  1. boloss 06. 01 2019

    Mod: Case Magnum sound
    Please upload a youtube video to show the result.

  2. boloss 22. 11 2018

    Mod: John Deere 8r
    You are doing it wrong.

    You changed 1 file, the XML file. You didn't have to change any other file if you use the 3D ans the textures and the shaders from the original game. You should have the ModsDesc.xml file and the 8R.XML file, nothing else.
    30kb max.

  3. boloss 20. 11 2018

    Mod: Better graphics FS 19 - Shadermod 2020 by GermanWarrior
    Hi man, wonderful, incredible, what a skill ! I'm descovering it, absolutely beautiful, powerful tool to make cinema effects.

    1 replies

  4. boloss 19. 12 2016

    Mod: Pack classic
    Aucune conversion, pleins d'erreurs dans le log, ridicule.

  5. boloss 12. 12 2016

    Mod: Strautmann weight
    1 error in log (to the modder : you won't see it on your PC, that's normal)

    To anyone to fix it yourself :

    in mod/vehicleShader.xml :
    <Texture name="DirtNmap" defaultColorProfile="linearRGB" defaultFilename="../shared/dirt_normal.png"/>
    ? ? ?
    <Texture name="DirtNmap" defaultColorProfile="linearRGB" defaultFilename="dirt_normal.png"/>

    Then put a dirt_normal.png in the mod (near the other files), you can find one at :
    Program Files\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Farming Simulator 17\data\shared\dirt_normal.png

    COPY and paste.

  6. boloss 12. 12 2016

    Mod: Frontloader Display
    Hi Ralf and thank you.
    Please could you update the script for :
    1- Text size, I would prefer a smaller text. I display the game menu at ratio 0.70 for smaller menus, could you display tour text as a ingame menu to adapt to this size ?
    2- Translation : could you make the "Meter" and "Grad" texts as variables, and add the translations in modeDesc <l10>.
    I would love "XX mètres" and "XX grades"
    BTW thank you excellent script.

  7. boloss 12. 12 2016

    Mod: Frontloader Display
    Hi Ralf and thank you.
    Please could you update the script for :
    1- Text size, I would prefer a smaller text. I display the game menu at ratio 0.70 for smaller menus, could you display tour text as a ingame menu to adapt to this size ?
    2- Translation : could you make the "Meter" and "Grad" as variants, and add the translations in modeDesc <l10>.
    I would love "XX mètres" and "XX grades"
    BTW thank you practical script.

    1 replies

  8. boloss 06. 12 2016

    Mod: Grimme SL-8022 belt with faster Overloaded
    You made 3 mods that make 7 + 7 + 2 Mb, I could achieve exactly the same ingame result in a single file under 40Kb, you did not understand what modding is.

    1 replies

  9. boloss 26. 11 2016

    Mod: Bretagne Map
    Salut, ce bâtiment a l'air très bien mais tu devais agrémenter la présentation d'autres photos. Je n'ai pas testé la map.

  10. boloss 10. 11 2016

    Mod: modules Stockage
    non pas -> n'ont pas
    a venir, a placer -> à venir, à placer. Sans accent il conjugue le verbe avoir.

    La traduction ne peut pas être bonne si le texte en français est bourré de fautes. Je t'en veux pas à toi, tous les jeunes aujourd'hui ne savent plus écrire sans faire de fautes, mais voilà le résultat : les traductions automatiques ne peuvent pas fonctionner.

    1 replies

  11. boloss 10. 11 2016

    Mod: Farming Simulator 2017 Savegame Editor
    Hi, how can in add solid manure directly in savegame file please ?

  12. boloss 08. 11 2016

    What did I miss ? Why the color matches the original HUD and there is no more transparence ?

  13. boloss 07. 11 2016

    Mod: ile_picarde
    Ok tu as le même skill dans la répartie et la grammaire que pour pondre des cartes, s'il te plaît quitte internet !

    2 replies

  14. boloss 07. 11 2016

    Mod: ile_picarde
    Ta carte est la plus pourrie que j'ai vu dans ce jeu, ta présentation est incompréhensible en français, je n'ose imaginer pour les non francophones. Si tu n'aimes pas le jeu change de jeu ou trouve un autre jeu, mais s'il te plaît ne partage plus ce genre de chose, les gens veulent du contenu qui améliore leur jeu, toi tu le rends pire que tout.

    1 replies

  15. boloss 06. 11 2016

    Yes it's fixed, thank you !

  16. boloss 06. 11 2016

    Mod: Franquet Combigerm
    v1.1 perfect, thank you. 5/5

  17. boloss 06. 11 2016

    I have this problem too, I don't know how to fix it.
    Thank you

  18. boloss 05. 11 2016

    Hi Andrey and thank you for improving the GPS mod HUD.
    What I would love is this HUD matching with the actual ingame HUD like on this image, with no limit between Block1 and Block 2 when both are displayed :

    Would it be possible with the help of Upsidedown ?
    This HUD should be able to be resized at 70%, 80% or 120% like the ingame HUD does.
    Thank you !

    2 replies

  19. boloss 04. 11 2016

    Mod: FillTypeMassAdjustment for FS17 (realistic loading masses)
    There is an other important problem there is to fix in the game : in a trailer where you can put 20 tons of wheat, you cannot put 20 tons of silage ! Actually your script make the effect that it's harder to pull the trailer full of wheat, but with the same problem of specific density the fact is you should not be able to put 20 tons of silage in this trailer.

    3 replies

    1. ThiGa 04. 11 2016

      Mod: FillTypeMassAdjustment for FS17 (realistic loading masses)
      Im Hänger wird immer nur ein Volumen angezeigt. Die Dichte der unterschiedlichen Materialen, wird durch diesen Mod angepasst, also kein Problem.

    2. Krassmann 04. 11 2016

      Mod: FillTypeMassAdjustment for FS17 (realistic loading masses)
      Well 20 tons are 20 tons, no matter what they consist of. The difference between 20 tons of wheat and 20 tons of silage is, that 20 tons of silage take up a lot less volume than 20 tons of wheat. so if you fill up two identical tippers to the brim (that is the volume) with wheat and another one with silage, the one with the silage will be a lot heavier. The keyword to this difference is density. Therefor 1 cubic meter of lead (volume) weighs more than 1 cubic meter of feathers, which is quite obvious i think.

    3. modelleicher 04. 11 2016

      Mod: FillTypeMassAdjustment for FS17 (realistic loading masses)
      There is really no issue there. FS doesn't take weight into account when filling up trailers, only volume.. Just as in real life.
      If you have a capacity of 23000 in your trailer that is 23 cubic meters (23m³) or 23000 liters, not tons.
      That is volume, not weight. You can put 23m³ silage in there just as you can put 23m³ of wheat in there.. Just like in real life.

      If you put 23m³ silage in there it is going to be less weight than 23m³ wheat, in FS just as in real life.
      23m³ of silage weight about 4t with default fs values. The same volume in wheat would be about 9.8t with default fs values..

      As you can see, there is no issue there ;)

      1 replies

  20. boloss 03. 11 2016

    Mod: Straw bale Texture ** NEW **
    Good render in game,thank you, but error in log :
    Warning (performance): Texture data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleStraw_diffuse.png raw format.

    I couldn't open this texture with Paint.NET to fix it, what software do you work with ?

  21. boloss 02. 11 2016

    Mod: Claas Quadrant 2200 RC
    Pas encore testé mais vous avez gardé l'image de store du 2013 c'est abusé, je peux trouver l'image dans mes mods du 2015 : (new

    Not tested yet but you kept in FS13 style.

  22. boloss 31. 10 2016

    Mod: John Deere 7810
    You're in the FS17 section, it's the same sh*/t as your previous upload, this FS15 mod isn't converted !

  23. boloss 30. 10 2016

    Mod: New Holland 8340
    In screenshots 3 and 4 you are using text bubbles from FS13 ! New ones are simple, black and transparent.

  24. boloss 30. 10 2016

    Mod: Trailer Sounds
    It's ok, when I put volume on 0.1 for volumeWheels and maxVolumeWheels in the file zzzTrailerSound.xml it works. Perfect now !

    1 replies

  25. boloss 30. 10 2016

    Mod: Trailer Sounds
    Hi and thank you for this script. I really like the sound of the trailer, but I don't like the sound of the wheels on road. I tried to remove it or to put the volumeWheels value on zero, but it this cas I can't heard the sounds in the trailer. Could you do that for me please ? Thank you

    2 replies

  26. boloss 27. 10 2016

    Mod: Fendt Pack pickcolor
    Hi an thank you for this contribution. To me there is a problem of method with this modpack because these are original vehicles with a small contribution. So you could share the mods with only one ModDesc.xml + the fendt 300 +700 +900.xml, 4 files in one mod and that's all. And you don't have to add the textures, 3D and files from this mods because they are ever in the original game. This mod take only 50Ko. (4 xml files)
    Thank you

  27. boloss 24. 03 2015

    Mod: BeaconLights
    Hi, the real feature i would be interrested with beacons, is the fact they all stay ON, if we are in the vehicle or not.

    1 replies

  28. boloss 18. 11 2014

    Mod: modDescriptor
    Hi, thank you this is an excellent ool.
    For the ModDesc version i prefer <version>21<version>
    In french, for Brand / "Logo de la marque", there is no place, you should write "logo marque" and maybe precise DDS ext3 transparent 256x128px.
    The indentation in final file is perfect (never seen this in a FS mod's ModDesc :p )
    The shopItemBrand is requierd in all mods for promotions :
    <text name="shopItemBrand_fliegl">

    In the categories the "ChainSaw" is missing, and in the functions, the potatoesHarvesters, BeetHarvesters (-sting), Forester, and washbar are missing, i can't help tou beacause Giants didn't release the good codes. You can add <function>$l10n_function_chainsaw</function>
    <function>$l10n_function_wheelLoader</function> and

    Thank you

    1 replies

  29. boloss 12. 11 2014

    Mod: Real Night
    I did not try. Enhanced shadows bring realism on your first screenshots, but the night is really too dark for me in this version.

  30. boloss 08. 11 2014

    Mod: Alpental
    It is unfortunate to have removed the chickens if the crowing of the ***** was a problem, you can remove it by changing the savegame. In FS15 ***** is less disturbing than in FS13

  31. boloss 02. 06 2014

    Mod: Mr. Hausen
    Where is the place to sell straw on this map please ? Ty

  32. boloss 24. 05 2014

    Mod: Mr. Hausen
    in fact i didn't have the good SuperSiloTrigger mod. This one perfectly works :)

  33. boloss 24. 05 2014

    Mod: Mr. Hausen
    Hello, thank you it's an excellent map, but actually i'm stuck with the SuperSilo trigger.
    Do we have to be placed in the tractor or where do we have to go ? Il place my tipper in the trigger but nothing appears, button 'X' to select the cereal does nothing.

    Thank you !

    1 replies

  34. boloss 23. 01 2014

    Mod: Hagenstedt Modified 2013
    Hello, i wanted to test this map for the first time but i can't load it. I used your installer and every time the game can't stop loading. The log finishes with this lines :
    Error: LUA running function 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'
    VehicleSpecs.lua:473: attempt to index field 'BankofhagenstedtData' (a nil value)

  35. boloss 21. 09 2013

    Mod: real corn texture
    It crashes the game on Belgique Profonde v2 when i copy your lines of code.

  36. boloss 12. 09 2013

    Mod: Front Laterally Manure Spreader
    it doesn't work, you can see on your pictures it doesn't spray on all the width.

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