Userprofile of -50keda-
Member since 9 / 2016

2 keda(bis: 20.09 2016)

_50keda(bis: 21.09 2016)
Punkte: 733
Modder Level 8
Rank: #2870
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About -50keda-

no entry
  1. -50keda- 07. 01 2017

    Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
    Once again. I need video for this problem, because however I try to load trailer I don't have problems. :/

    So please record video and upload it somewhere, thx.

  2. -50keda- 06. 01 2017

    Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
    Nope, I it was in the progress of update. It's back now with bug fixes.
    See changelog ;)

  3. -50keda- 02. 01 2017

    Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
    Can you please record a video of the problem. Because I am not completely sure what you are talking about ;) Thx.

  4. -50keda- 01. 01 2017

    Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
    Edit: You are right! Mod with a fix will be updated as soon as possible ;)

    Thx for notifying me about it ;)

  5. -50keda- 01. 01 2017

    Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
    Edit: Yep, you are right, I will upload fixed version ASAP ;)

    Thx, for notifying.

  6. -50keda- 30. 12 2016

    Mod: Universal UTB-445 DTC
    Download Version 1.1 it should be better now!