Member since 12 / 2013
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Maryland, US
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Mod: New Holland BB 340 BETA
Yes, his last baler was a bb340 cropcutter. He just bought a new Krone though.
Mod: Lindbejb Oxbo 334 Merger
Thank you for sharing, Joe. I enjoy seeing all of your amazing mods on youtube. I know it is rare for you to release a mod like this so all of us that enjoy playing this game American style really appreciate it when you do.
Mod: drive control
What a great mod, I really enjoy using it. The only suggestion I have is to make it compatible with the light add on mod from Vertex Design. Either that or add in your own beacons stay on module.
Mod: Garage Hall
I had the same problem
Mod: drive control
Thank you for this great mod! I have been waiting for manual start since the game was released. The only thing that took me a while to figure out was the hand brake. To release this use CTRL+space bar. Is there anyway to make it so the beacons stay on when I get out of the vehicle and leave it running? That is my only suggestion for future versions.
Vielen Dank für diese tolle Mod! Ich habe für manuellen Start gewartet, da das Spiel veröffentlicht wurde. Das einzige, was mir dauerte eine Weile, um herauszufinden, war die Handbremse. Um diese mit CTRL + Leertaste loslassen. Gibt es trotzdem zu machen, so dass die Baken bleiben, wenn ich aus dem Fahrzeug zu bekommen und lassen Sie es laufen? Das ist meine einzige Vorschlag für zukünftige Versionen.
Great mod, thank you! Way more realistic than the rambo for fs2013.
Mod: Kuhn VB 2190
Bale types are wrong. When you bale hay it actually comes out straw.
Mod: BGA for small businesses
Figured it out, I just deleted the "Light" folder in Giants and now its perfect.
Mod: BGA for small businesses
When I put this in my map it makes everything very bright in game play. I have the darker night mod as well and even at night this makes it like the sun is out even though the sky is dark. Is there anything I can change in the XML to fix this? Otherwise this is a great mod and it functions well. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Mod: John Deere S680 S670
Best combine mod I have come across yet. Missing the corn header but the in game one works on all three machines and will have to do for now.