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Category Placeable Objects
Hay straw storage
Placeable Objects
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5 days
LS22 Butcher's TerraLifePlus Edition
Placeable Objects
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7 months
LS22 Produktionen Pack
Placeable Objects
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9 months
LS22 Butchery extended
Placeable Objects
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9 months
Butcher shop
Placeable Objects
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9 months
LS22 Animal stables
Placeable Objects
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about 1 year
v Downloads today1,090 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Thu, 02 Jan 2020 11:42:40 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsTent for Farming simulator 19 Price: 2 Brand: Lizard Category: decoration KEEP YOUR TROOPS DRY!
v 1.00 Downloads today361 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 02 Jan 2020 08:32:54 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsI am not the author. I just made them season ready because i really like the Quonset huts.
Iconik Monument
v 1.00 Downloads today340 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Thu, 02 Jan 2020 08:31:26 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsA token of gratitude to some of the ones that have helped me get to where I am as a modder and that helped bring recognition to my work.Thank you all.Details are in the image.
v 10 Downloads today1,376 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Tue, 31 Dec 2019 18:52:14 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsSALAD PRODUCTION You MANURE WATER EMPTYPALLETS CARTON to Produce SALAD and the script "Global Company in your mod folder Added water particles animation
Grape Factory
v FINAL EXTENDED1 Downloads today6,439 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating15 said thankspublished Tue, 31 Dec 2019 16:05:06 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsGRAPE PLACEABLE You need Manure Water to work and the script "Global Company in your mod folder This is a production of Grape
Plant Production
v 1.0.51 Downloads today2,281 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:55:54 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsPLANT Production You Need MANURE and WATER to Produce PLANT and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
Refill Tanks
v Downloads today1,453 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 31 Dec 2019 06:43:46 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsPLEASE REMEMBER: I am NOT the original creator of this mod. All I did is edit it to my desire.With these seed, solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, herbicide and lime tanks (which are placeable on the...
Meat Production
v 1.0.60 Downloads today8,142 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Mon, 30 Dec 2019 21:05:46 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsMEAT PLACEABLE You need Cow and Pig to work and the script "Global Company in your mod folder Pallet Meat Author...
Sausage Production
v 1.0.50 Downloads today3,097 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Sun, 29 Dec 2019 19:27:07 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsSausageProduction You Need Pig and Salt Produce Sausage and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
Pumpkin Production
v 1.0.50 Downloads today2,245 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Sun, 29 Dec 2019 19:17:12 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsPUMPKIN Production You Need MANURE and WATER to Produce PUMPKIN and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
v 10 Downloads today1,571 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating8 said thankspublished Sat, 28 Dec 2019 12:22:01 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsCHIPS PRODUCTION You Need POTATO COLZAOIL SALT WATER EMPTYPALLETS CARTON to Produce CHIPS FRIES PUREE and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
Cucumber Production
v 1.0.52 Downloads today3,128 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Sat, 28 Dec 2019 12:11:19 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsCUCUMBER Production You Need MANURE and WATER to Produce CUCUMBER and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
Tomato Production
v 1.0.50 Downloads today2,672 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Fri, 27 Dec 2019 15:10:27 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsTOMATO Production You Need MANURE and WATER to Produce TOMATO and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
v 10 Downloads today1,079 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Thu, 26 Dec 2019 13:11:42 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsOLIVE PRODUCTION You Need MANURE WATER EMPTYPALLETS CARTON to Produce OLIVE PEAR PLUM and the script "Global Company in your mod folder
Brewery Placeable
v 1.0.61 Downloads today3,958 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating15 said thankspublished Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:07:37 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsBREWERY PLACEABLE You need Barley or Wheat to work and the script "Global Company in your mod folder have fun
Large Cow Pastures
v 1.00 Downloads today1,692 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:04:32 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsHere my cohage built on! Work as a standard garden in the game.
v 1.20 Downloads today2,328 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating8 said thankspublished Tue, 24 Dec 2019 08:27:07 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsPlaceable washing area
Sugar Production Placeable
v FINAL VERSION1 Downloads today8,225 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Mon, 23 Dec 2019 20:50:58 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsYou need SugarCanne or SugarBeet to work and the script "Global Company in your mod folder have fun
Distillery Production
v FINAL VERSION1 Downloads today2,581 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating11 said thankspublished Mon, 23 Dec 2019 09:53:00 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsDistillery Production this Replace the Wine Factory DISTILLERY Production You Need...
Yogurt Production
v FINAL VERSION0 Downloads today3,083 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Sun, 22 Dec 2019 13:26:11 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsYOGURT Production You Need MILK and SUGAR to Produce YOGURT and the script "Global Company in your mod folder