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featured DDR Kaelberstall
v 1.00 Downloads today1,789 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Fri, 20 Mar 2015 06:04:27 GMT in - BuildingsThe calf barn must be installed with the GE, triangles 5046, AO texture and log are clean. The Feed Bucket are placed freely in the milk-plane can be moved also, gates are prepared for Tortrigger. Have...
featured DDR cowshed
v 1.00 Downloads today2,853 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating19 said thankspublished Wed, 18 Mar 2015 22:09:00 GMT in - BuildingsThe barn must be installed with the GE 23500 triangles, AO texture and log are clean. Front is double cowshed with milking and milk house in the middle, in the milking parlor is a rotary milking parlor...
featured Steyr 8090a Sk1
v 1.0 sk13 Downloads today8,302 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating21 said thankspublished Wed, 18 Mar 2015 17:55:00 GMT in - Mod PacksHello, here we introduce (unknown000, steyr modder, Domi) from STEYR Modding Team, you Steyr 8090a Trubo SK1 and SK2 Turbo Steyr 8090a Electronic from the Community project "Alpine farming for disposal...
featured Chisels Vila
v SXHV20 2.0 Clean1 Downloads today12,122 Downloads totalUser rating31 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Mar 2015 21:03:00 GMT in - Cultivators & HarrowsVila Chisel SXHV-20 (v2.0 Clean) (16-3-2015) Features: Transport width: 3,00 meters Working width: 5,15 meters Number of arms: 20Recommended Power: 240 hpWeight: 3.700 kg.Price: 19.665 €Daily upkeep...
featured Kverneland Taarup Shuttle
v 2.0 Inklusive Veenhuis3 Downloads today10,378 Downloads total25 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Mar 2015 17:50:12 GMT in - OverloaderHallo liebe LS - Community Heute präsentiert euch Qualitaetsmods.de den Kverneland Taarup Shuttle erschaffen bei Werkstattleiters Moddingwerkstatt!! Der Taarup Shuttle Überladewagen...
featured IFA l60 Conow
v 4.20 Downloads today15,435 Downloads total52 commentsUser rating60 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Mar 2015 14:34:04 GMT in - IFABeschreibung L60 Conow v4.2 Version 2 Neuerungen Version 2: - Partikelsystem LS15 beim abkippen - Ersatzrad animiert - Motorhaube animiert - Schneeplatte mit Attacher zum transportieren von Anbauger...
featured Selfmade logging grab
v 1.01 Downloads today28,552 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating41 said thankspublished Sun, 15 Mar 2015 17:07:26 GMT in - Other ImplementsEigenbau RückezangeIch stelle euch hiermit meine Eigenbau Forstzange zur Verfügung.Da es aktuell noch keine Geräte zum Holzrücken gibt, habeich mich dazu entschlossen meine Rückezange zum Downloadanzubieten...
featured Unimog Spezial Vieh
v 1.0 wsb0 Downloads today5,489 Downloads totalUser rating26 said thankspublished Sun, 15 Mar 2015 14:20:43 GMT in - Mercedes BenzHere at the request of Unimog special cattle LS15wsb ... This is a Unimog from TSL Spezialfahrzeugbau ... So NO real model! more: TSL Agricultural Engineering * Work light front * Fruits...
featured Kramer KLS 140
v 1.01 Downloads today18,922 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating49 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Mar 2015 21:14:27 GMT in - OldtimerTEXT ZU LANG bitte manuell auf translate.google.com uebersetzen
featured Westbridge Forest
v 4.10 Downloads today9,215 Downloads total50 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:48:00 GMT in - Default Map editMUST BE UNPACKED, CONTAINS ALL MODS TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK. Simply unpack the zip, drag and drop all the files into your Farm Simulator 2015 mod folder. This is my edit of Westbridge Hills, I...
featured Low Loader Galtrailer SC
v USA 1.0 Clean (MP)3 Downloads today36,514 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating64 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Mar 2015 13:50:36 GMT in - TrailersLow Loader Galtrailer American Version (v USA 1.0 Clean) Features: Color Selection. Length: Total 15m, 11,2m recessed platform. With telescopic stretchers up to 3600 mm.Ramps with hydraulic...
featured Unimog Spezial
v 1.0 wsb0 Downloads today8,986 Downloads totalUser rating38 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Mar 2015 09:27:00 GMT in - Mercedes BenzHere the Unimog special LS15wsb ... This is a Unimog from TSL Spezialfahrzeugbau ... So NO real model! more: TSL Agricultural Engineering * Work light, front / rear * Loading takes place...
featured Sheepfold
v 1.01 Downloads today7,070 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Mar 2015 09:23:58 GMT in - Buildings with FunctionsHere entlich a stable for the sheep. Now the food is no longer wet and the water remains fresh. It is installed with GE. No Placeable! It can feed trough and the water potions are placed in the stable...
featured Small selection GDR Signs
v 2.0 pack0 Downloads today2,477 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating15 said thankspublished Fri, 13 Mar 2015 18:40:39 GMT in - ObjectsHere I did for the nostalgic among you, a few signs of the former GDR. If you like it may follow a few more. Must be inserted with the GE. Have fun with it.
featured Coupling for Krone Big X
v 1.10 Downloads today38,973 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating56 said thankspublished Fri, 13 Mar 2015 14:15:59 GMT in - ToolsHi Here I have the extra clutch for the Krone Big X from LS 13 LS 15 for converts. Thus, one can Hitching all supporters of the crown. Of course, also suitable for all other devices. New: With...
featured Texture rye
v 1.00 Downloads today4,423 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating30 said thankspublished Fri, 13 Mar 2015 13:56:38 GMT in - TexturesThese texture replaces the rye texture on modmaps. Viewing range has been increased significantly growth stage 3 looks like green rye and can be processed in this stage using the green chaff...
featured Farmer Set
v 1.13 Downloads today13,407 Downloads total44 commentsUser rating63 said thankspublished Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:32:00 GMT in - Liquid ManureBAUER PACK WITH GMK MOD!Here the Bauer Poly 185 TL Bauer Cerres G600, G800 Bauer Cerresand modified GMK Mod.IMPORTANT:. With the included GMK Mod the working width of Güllegrubbers work on maps with...
featured DDR barn
v 1.00 Downloads today1,791 Downloads total30 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Thu, 12 Mar 2015 17:33:11 GMT in - BuildingsBarn-to-install with the GE, triangles 4260, AO texture and log are clean. Have fun with it. mfg would like bauer Upload or distribute in other forums are NOT allowed! It is prohibited to upload...
featured Universalanhaenger
v 1.0 wsb0 Downloads today8,410 Downloads totalUser rating35 said thankspublished Thu, 12 Mar 2015 16:23:00 GMT in - TandemHere is my Universalanhaenger LS15wsb more: TSL Agricultural Engineering * Washable * Animated * Can be loaded with fruits * Capa: 7500 * Fruits: wheat barley maize rape chaff fertilizer...
featured Crosetto CMR180
v 1.0 John Deere1 Downloads today9,241 Downloads totalUser rating28 said thankspublished Wed, 11 Mar 2015 12:15:07 GMT in - TridemThe Crosetto CMR 180 trailer's maximum capacity is of 36m³. The trailer is equipped with round container built with wear protection materials and galvanized supergates. INFO: Capacity with supergates...