CLAAS Xerion 4500

V 2.5 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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XERION  4500. The benefits.

  • Continuously variable transmission over 500 hp
  • Efficient, high-performance drive train
  • Four equal-sized tyres up to 2.16 m in diameter (710 and 900 series) for perfect traction
  • Large range of options for optimum customer-specific use, including the rotating cab
  • Full output potential at low engine speeds

The TRAC concept.

Wherever high work rates, productivity and efficiency are required, the XERION provides the perfect solution. The XERION is defined by a number of unique features:

  • Four equal-sized wheels on steered axles
  • Continuously variable drive train over 500 hp
  • 50/40 km/h top speed
  • Intuitive, ergonomic controls


 Model: Smety, Angelus
Textures: Smety
In game: Smety

Version 1.0

  • release

Version 1.5

  • edit physic
  • delete smal weights
  • add new weight
  • add seed tank Lomma
  • Kaweco lowering fix

Version 2.0

  • animated farmer
  • passenger mod 2.0 support
  • steering wheel option
  • cebis boot animation
  • wipers animation
  • new physics

Version 2.2

  • new capote
  • new store
  • new front grille
  • edit external texture
  • wheel turning 30°

Version 2.5

  • add 4000 and 5000 version
  • edit spec texture
  • fix wipers
  • edit price
  • fix weight store
  • fix env factor rear hydraulic




That mod is only available on and on the official website of CMT (Czech Mod Team)

All modifications are prohibited!

Changing the download link is forbidden!

All copyrights are owned by CMT (Czech Mod Team)



Model: Smety, Angelus

Textures: Smety

In game: Smety




  • 25 Mar 16:42
    Version 2.5

    - add 4000 and 5000 version
    - edit spec texture
    - fix wipers
    - edit price
    - fix weight store
    - fix env factor rear hydraulic

  • 01 Nov 14:54
    Version 2.2

    - new capote
    - new store
    - new front grille
    - edit external texture
    - wheel turning 30°

  • 21 Aug 18:48
    Version 2.0

    - new physics
    - animated farmer
    - passenger mod 2.0 support
    - steering wheel option
    - cebis boot
    - wipers animation

  • 29 Jun 16:54
    Version 1.5

    - edit physic
    - delete smal weights
    - add new weight
    - add seed tank Lomma
    - Kaweco lowering fix


29.05 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.63 / 641 Votes


nach 605 Stimmen

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V 2.5
Farming Simulator 15
26.7 MB 73924
25. 03 2016 73,924
V 2.2
Farming Simulator 15
26.4 MB 48300
01. 11 2015 48,300
V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
25.5 MB 51841
21. 08 2015 51,841
1 ältere Versionen

26 Comments for CLAAS Xerion 4500

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  1. Kristjan1988 16. 05 2020

    Hello there,
    Firs of all, nice tractor, works well, thank you.
    But, when I want to buy weights got a message that weights can't be purchased...
    I have V 2.5.

  2. brutzel 11. 11 2017

    bester mod ever jaaaaaaaaa coooool

  3. unregistered user 11. 12 2016

    Hey smety, any chance to see this great tractor in FS17 as well?

  4. FS2015 Nick 12. 05 2016

    Hi, the author messed up the prices by doing this, 320 000 as an example. What happens then is that the game only recognizes the 320 so it does not include the 3 zeros. Keep in mind that when downloading this mod you will need to go into the modDesc in the .ZIP folder to find and fix this.

  5. njuska11 12. 05 2016

    my fps hugely drops when i enter the cabin view can someone tell me why?
    didint happend with former versions

    1 replies

  6. unregistered user 07. 04 2016

    By your next Upgrade, Smety. Should you fix the position of the left Arm.
    It doesn't really look good, when the Arm is ripped out of the shoulder when you turn the Cab to the rear.
    Well, by the other Xerion 4000 ST and also by the Arion and Axion, is the arm a little bit wrong placed.

  7. madmex 26. 03 2016

    And what about when we push on the C key are we now sitting on the chair ore still under the chair.

    2 replies

  8. Fendt Fan 12 25. 03 2016

    Thx for the V2.5
    Very Nice the Xerion 5000 what a Giant Tractor.Mega

  9. ibrhmkyn 03. 11 2015

    Can you add interior light?

  10. BASBASBAS 01. 11 2015

    nice mod. but when i press tab he not work eny more help pleas

  11. SnoopBok 17. 10 2015

    Nice work Smety! I'm really enjoying your mods. Will you make a 3800 and 5000 version too?? :-D

  12. Vchrono 23. 08 2015

    A really nice tractor mod one of the best so far , only thing that bothers me is the farmer :/ .... it would be great in my opinion if you could use one from the ingame farmers from GIANT , cause it's a shame such a beatufill machine to have that kind of driver with his "zombie" hand .... in coclusion great job on the tractor awsome machine , keep up the good work and thanks!!!

  13. PhoeniX_NL 23. 06 2015

    I really like tihs mod.
    I do hope you will optimize it for patch 1.3 though.
    As it keeps gliding away ..

  14. Kubik1976 18. 06 2015

    Your physics modification haven't gone well. It's now sliding all over the place. Rolling back to 1.0, that one is excellent.

  15. GCS81 15. 06 2015

    good evening,
    first log/new user :)
    i'm trying to download the v1.1 but there's something wrong on the downloadlink (
    can you help me? any other link available for this version of Xerion?

    thanks and best regards

  16. Wildflower 09. 06 2015

    i read many good comments, and i have no doubt the mod is nice done! But the xerion can normaly drive in crab mode aswel as you should be able to turn on one axle aswell (front or rear + crab) Also, my settings are on medium and when i add your vehicles, my game lags a lot :( therefore i can't use them :'(
    I wonder if other people have this problem?

  17. steffen700 09. 06 2015

    My game is crashing when i get in the tractor most times

    hope you can help

  18. Wildflower 06. 06 2015

    i can not drive in krab moed with this tractor?

  19. Barisch 04. 06 2015

    So ja echt gut aber schade das das Fass nicht da bei ist so bringt die platte hinten auch nichtz also nicht zu gebrauchen schade echt

    1 replies

  20. jester640 04. 06 2015

    The best quality and textured tractor mod for fs15 so far! Exceptional the same as the giant standard and with dual wheels 5/5 .The Axion 950 is also excellent
