Implements & Tools - Seeders
Mods for Farming Simulator
Väderstad Tempo L 8
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6 days
Stara Cinderela 11-17
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about 4 hours
Köckerling Ultima 800
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about 2 months
Multiseeder xml file for John Deere 1775NT .
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about 1 month
Seeders - Fertilizer Tank Conversion
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about 1 month
Bednar Combo System CS 5000
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about 1 month
0 Downloads today10,376 Downloads totalUser rating11 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Nov 2012 17:44:21 GMT in - Seeders
Hello, Here I have the great sower of Farming Simulator 2013 Ready beets and corn. Ideal for those who are tired with the small zusähen Drille corn and beets. Copyright remains Giants!
v 1.00 Downloads today2,462 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Nov 2012 12:30:59 GMT in - Seedersmajevica 4 rows corn, sugar beet seeder daily unkeep - 30 price in shop - 8200
Lemken Solitaire
v 2.20 Downloads today5,827 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Nov 2012 09:51:55 GMT in - SeedersThe pneumatic seed drill Solitair 9 is grown as a rigid or folding, and hitched a foldable version available in working widths of 3 to 6 meters. In combination with different soil tillage implements...
Amazone Maisdrille
v 2.01 Downloads today10,259 Downloads totalUser rating6 said thankspublished Sun, 11 Nov 2012 09:13:48 GMT in - SeedersHere is the Amazon Maisdrille for you in LS13 Support:
SW 3500S + Horsch Pronto 6AS + Maistro RC
v 1.00 Downloads today10,925 Downloads total60 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Nov 2012 17:49:00 GMT in - SeedersSoo, einige Nerven später... Tadaa V3! Wer ~80.000€ auf dem LS Konto hat, kann diese Maschine sein Eigen nennen. Die Horsch SW 3500S Drillmaschine ist mit ihren Anbaugeräten in der Lage Mais zu legen...
Aerosem 9000
v 1.10 Downloads today7,348 Downloads total129 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Mon, 05 Nov 2012 16:08:22 GMT in - SeedersA large sahmaschine
MF 130 seed drill
v 1.00 Downloads today1,835 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Wed, 31 Oct 2012 11:55:17 GMT in - SeedersI present you a seeder, converted from FS 2011th It sow's original fruits. Costs 4000
Plow PHX
v 1.00 Downloads today1,269 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 30 Oct 2012 11:38:52 GMT in - Seeders5x35 plow PHX
v 1.00 Downloads today22,083 Downloads totalUser rating13 said thankspublished Sun, 28 Oct 2012 19:14:31 GMT in - Seeders
v 1.00 Downloads today4,531 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 28 Oct 2012 17:04:09 GMT in - SeedersDrag the "Q". Markers J.K. Opens with the use of the "B" needs to access sown. There will always beDiscs with a "V". Seeding mechanism starts with "B". The "X" drill rises to the circle if wes operation...
Semoir Nodet
v 1.00 Downloads today2,755 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Oct 2012 13:04:13 GMT in - SeedersHere we have a Semior Nodet which I converted from Ls11 in Ls 13,
Amazone Seeder
v 1.00 Downloads today9,974 Downloads totalUser rating8 said thankspublished Thu, 25 Oct 2012 18:51:32 GMT in - SeedersMp compatible 1to1 made for the new tractor
v 2.11 Downloads today7,488 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating11 said thankspublished Sat, 13 Oct 2012 18:35:00 GMT in - SeedersHere is a NH3800 by: xyzspain. Adapts to uneven terrain because of the movable boom. For large fields just right.
Lemken 27 WL-Pro
v 1.00 Downloads today8,901 Downloads totalUser rating12 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Oct 2012 14:35:47 GMT in - SeedersBy popular demand!Meet! new planter from Lemken 27 WL-Pro! it more convenient to use! Improved animation! width of 27 meters! Hopper volume 9 tons! buttons for animation: 4 5 6 Numpad Enjoy...
Lemken10 RX-medium
v 1.00 Downloads today3,216 Downloads totalUser rating11 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Oct 2012 14:35:00 GMT in - SeedersBy popular demand!Meet! new planter from Lemken 10 RX-medium! it more convenient to use! Improved animation! width of 10 meters! Hopper volume 3 tons! buttons for animation: 4 5 6 Numpad...
C3T-5.4 Seeder
v 1.00 Downloads today3,068 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Mon, 01 Oct 2012 14:56:55 GMT in - Seeders
Pronto 27_MX
v 1.00 Downloads today8,580 Downloads totalUser rating20 said thankspublished Sun, 30 Sep 2012 11:08:53 GMT in - SeedersBy popular demand!Meet! new planter from Pronto! it more convenient to use! Improved animation! width of 27 meters! Hopper volume 9 tons! buttons for animation: 4 5 6 Numpad Enjoy your...
1:1 Amazone Seeder
v 2.00 Downloads today4,981 Downloads totalUser rating10 said thankspublished Fri, 21 Sep 2012 13:17:59 GMT in - SeedersMp tauglich 1zu1 gemacht für die neuen schlepper Mit ihrer grossen Arbeitsbreite ist die Amazone eine effektive Maschine! Sie läuft sehr gut hinter dem Schlepper und schafft ordentlich Fläche.
featured Farmet - Excelent Premium 6
v0 Downloads today15,876 Downloads total106 commentsUser rating71 said thankspublished Mon, 17 Sep 2012 14:02:13 GMT in - SeedersUsing this device, we saw together and grubber Planter for wheat, barley, corn, canola and grass. Together you have a pack of big bags for filling (filled only in this way), and hooks for both - Telehandler...
1:1 SW 3500S + Horsch Pronto
v 3.1 6AS + Maistro RC Mod (Edit von Bullgore's)0 Downloads today8,936 Downloads total39 commentsUser rating24 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Sep 2012 08:03:26 GMT in - SeedersHier ist eine kleine edit von Bullgores Mod. Ich habe die feldgrenzenerkennung eingebaut.! Alle Kredit geht natürlich am Bullgore für seine arbeit! Viel spass damit!! Original Beschreibung...