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Mods for Aground
Holiday Modpack
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over 5 years
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Ore Scanner
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about 6 years
Water Armor
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over 6 years
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about 4 years
Always Zoom Out
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over 4 years
v 1.3.00 Downloads today475 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 08 Mar 2020 03:58:34 GMT in - CompleteWhen you are too heavy to move while mining or harvesting, have you ever wanted to drop items? This mod is the solution! Drop mod is a simple mod that allow you to drop things. You can discard several...
Vehicle Locator
v 1.1.00 Downloads today791 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Feb 2020 02:14:02 GMT in - CompleteThis item, researched in the Mobile Lab, allows you to find your lost vehicles. It will tell you what area they are in and their coordinates.
v 1.4.90 Downloads today1,239 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Feb 2020 13:41:51 GMT in - CompleteRecolligo is designed for a great cycle of resources, with few resources being discarded and better productivity. And this mod adjusted the imbalance between science and magic routes(but not completely...
Holiday Modpack
v Thanksgiving 20190 Downloads today362 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Nov 2019 13:24:26 GMT in - CompleteHoliday Modpack The first-ever modpack for Aground! Includes festive items for many different holidays, with possibly more to come! Aground's Birthday: Gift boxes - All the core game NPCs give you...
Holiday Modpack
v Thanksgiving 20190 Downloads today338 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Nov 2019 13:24:26 GMT in - CompleteHoliday Modpack The first-ever modpack for Aground! Includes festive items for many different holidays, with possibly more to come! Aground's Birthday: Gift boxes - All the core game NPCs give you...
Zoom out
v 1.30 Downloads today500 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 21 Sep 2019 17:31:44 GMT in - Complete"Book of the Owl" added to the librarian.It will give you the eyes of an owl and doubles your visual range. Special thanks goes to Apprentice Alchemist, Grand Alchemist and Etrotta for making it better...
Hi-Tech parts research
v 1.0.00 Downloads today735 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 08 Jun 2019 21:02:39 GMT in - Complete(my first mod) This mod allows you to make hi-tech parts in the mobile lab for 2500 time we tried 3000 but it was too big a number for aground to handle credits: Me(mrc789), derpymerp for helping with...
Mod Configurator
v 1.1.00 Downloads today532 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 31 May 2019 00:48:49 GMT in - CompleteWARNING: Improper use of this mod can cause other mods to become disabled and progress lost if you mess up. If used properly, nothing should go wrong. This mod allows you to save a configuration to...
Panic Potion
v 1.0.00 Downloads today420 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 23 May 2019 16:42:23 GMT in - CompleteA simple potion to teleport you back to the Alchemist's cave on start island. It will give you a bit of health and stamina too. Recipe is in the Alchemist's lab.
Alchemy Shop (APRIL FOOLS MOD)
v 1.0.10 Downloads today655 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 31 Mar 2019 21:39:02 GMT in - CompleteOverview A new Alchemy Shop opened up on Sunset Haven. Can you help the "Alchemist" to uncover all secrets of alchemy? Features A new alchemy shop! Captivating quest line! Tie-in to existing NPCs...
Under Planting
v 2.4.40 Downloads today1,153 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 04 Mar 2019 17:03:23 GMT in - CompleteEvery crop type can now be planted underground and does not need to be planted on fertile (i.e. grass) tiles. It also allows the barn and pens to be built underground. All crops have the same seeds...
Item Lister
v 1.3.00 Downloads today607 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 04 Mar 2019 15:07:47 GMT in - CompleteAdds to inventory automatically when you open a save that doesn't have one, the item is not storable and has no weight. Using it displays a list of all items you have found. A tooltip with item type...
Book of Cows
v 1.0.10 Downloads today657 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 27 Feb 2019 16:55:04 GMT in - CompleteTeleports cows into your inventory with magic. You can farm them or use them to feed hungry dragons (and certain other things). Requires the Full Version of Aground (for now).
Down Under
v 2.2.10 Downloads today1,157 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 02 Feb 2019 04:43:45 GMT in - Complete***********************PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY*********************** Down Under is a simple QoL mod meant to enable players to build crucial structures beneath the surface, so long as they have the...
Ore Scanner
v 1.1.00 Downloads today1,180 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 17 Jan 2019 12:42:46 GMT in - CompleteOverview This mod allows you to craft a simple device called Ore Scanner that will tell you exact count of every ore you can find in the current area. The scanner just tells you how much there is, not...
Halberdier Pack
v 1.0.00 Downloads today648 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 10 Jan 2019 22:30:02 GMT in - Complete
Letter Placer
v 2.0.00 Downloads today353 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 02 Jan 2019 21:28:44 GMT in - CompleteTo begin, use player.addItem('letter_placer') to give yourself the item. After that, just position yourself in the top left corner of where you want to write things, and select the "Place Letters" option...
v0 Downloads today429 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 01 Jan 2019 22:53:29 GMT in - CompleteThis was a concept drawing made by AaronNorell, the game's artist, which was never added to the game. Now it is!This speedy vehicle, crafted at the upgraded factory, can drive(fly?) over both land and...
v 1.0.00 Downloads today572 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 01 Jan 2019 22:53:29 GMT in - CompleteThis was a concept drawing made by AaronNorell, the game's artist, which was never added to the game. Now it is!This speedy vehicle, crafted at the upgraded factory, can drive(fly?) over both land and...
NPC Appreciation
v 2.2.10 Downloads today1,514 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 29 Nov 2018 03:42:10 GMT in - CompleteAdds a whole bunch of new quests and items, with (maybe) more to follow! Currently Includes Before Bombardment The builder has heard of a new meal? Can you obtain the recipe? The miner has encountered...