V 2 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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One can do more.economies

name="498396"> successful and, with fewer machines in a short time longer.
XERION SADDLE TRAC there opens up new perspectives, which come standard tractors and self-drive systems to their limits
With the cab front, above the engine offers the best XERION SADDLE TRAC Aufsattelmöglichkeiten for trailers, slurry tanks, hopper and more ...

Efficient growing of seed and fertilizer simultaneously provides a Saddle Trac seeding this package in native Claas skin.

updates: expanded on the Xerion engine start. New Sähmaschine process of the 18DC of LS mapsource.de Horsch, thank you very much!thus can easily be

also normal road ride

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ls-mapsource, siwus

  • 21 Oct 20:41
    Version 2


checksum: 794f8bfd037c86fee420cc15bdb35c1c
Version: 2
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Rall I
price in shop: 56900 LS
name in shop: Pronto 18 DC
description in shop: Modell:XerionPronto
Verbreiterung, Beleuchtung V3: Rall I
Animation: Dietschnnorbert
Skin: Jerrico
checksum: f085fba413e354c20147d7fab33cf780
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Siwus
price in shop: 96190 LS
name in shop: Claas Xerion 3800 Washable
description in shop:
Edit: Jerrico

checksum: ff33ca331637abf139fa82e3b554b956
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH / Askari
price in shop: 14700 LS
name in shop: Amazone UF 1801
description in shop: AMAZONE Claas Style
checksum: 787eb3639975cda8b69a85aecd9e0bdc
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Siwus
price in shop: 4800 LS
name in shop: Zusatztank Xerion
description in shop: Zusatztank Xerion
Modell: Siwus
Textur: Siwus
Script: Outlaw and Siwus

21.10 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.1 / 141 Votes


nach 86 Stimmen

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V 2
Farming Simulator 2011
9.18 MB 157883
21. 10 2011 157,883

1 Comments for XERION SADDLE TRAC Pack

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  1. hephep 22. 10 2011

    Please change the density to real, it flyes all over the place. Tryed but it wont let me edit .

    Same problem with the V1.
