Winter service Mod

V 2.4 mod for Ski-Region-Simulator 2012

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AlfamoddingTV and Qualitätsmods presenting the WinterdienstMod V2.2 V2.3

The truck own a realistic Removing and litter hold back.

Moreover, it was adjusted The handling characteristics Realistically.


Unsere Facebookseite:



Model and TexturTruck: Giants / Speedy11VC (AlfamoddingTV)

Snowplow:   Speedy11VC (AlfamoddingTV)

Texture: Speedy11VC (AlfamoddingTV)

Script adaptations: Speedy11VC / Sven777b (AlfamoddingTV)

Beta test: DonChris, Repi

 Mirror and details: DonChris



 Indicator - warning indicator (Taste:Numpad1=Left, Numpad2=Warnblinker, Numpad3=Right)

 Day driving light

 Front light

 Litter arm lighting(investigation) (Numpad5)

 Prewarning light (Numpad4)

 All-round lights (Pos1) Light cone connectable Numpad7


 Real mirrors in the driver's cab Connectable by Numpad6



Darf nicht verändert oder neu hochgeladen werden !

It is not allowed to reedit or upload the files again !


Wir vom AlfamoddingTV Team Danken allen Helfern und Unterstützern die diesen Mod geholfen haben.


Änderungen vorbehalten. ©AlfamoddingTV 2014



Mitwirkende: LKW: Modell und TexturLKW: Giants/Speedy11VC (AlfamoddingTV) Schneeschild: Modell: Speedy11VC (AlfamoddingTV) Textur: Speedy11VC (AlfamoddingTV) Script anpassungen: Speedy11VC/Sven777b (AlfamoddingTV) Betatest: DonChris, Repi Spiegel und Details: DonChris

  • 07 Jan 12:15
    Version 2.4

    - Performance improved
    - New Store Pictures

  • 10 Sep 23:05
    Version 2.3

    - es wurden einige Bugs behoben
    - Falsch hinterlegte Indexeinträge Kontrolliert
    - Performence Verbessert

  • 07 Mar 19:10
    Version 2.2


07.03 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.29 / 14 Votes


nach 11 Stimmen

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V 2.4
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
12.3 MB 6667
07. 01 2017 6,667
V 2.3
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
13.2 MB 14123
10. 09 2014 14,123
V 2.2
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
13.2 MB 7477
07. 03 2014 7,477

2 Comments for Winter service Mod

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  1. Totenfarmer 04. 07 2015

    Well, updated and error free, it handles soooo nice, thanks guys :)
    If I should put my finger on something it would be the interiour, I think SRS needs upgrades like that, it would surely make the mods more enjoyable..the Giants 6 edge steering wheels and blurry textures kinda sucks :P

  2. Totenfarmer 29. 07 2014

    This is a great looking mod, loved testing it, but I also found out it is producing call stacs that cause weird collisions around the map, I have a screenshot if you want it, but please consider a V2 with these errors sorted out, here is the errors:

    C:/Users/Bjørn/Documents/My Games/SkiRegionSimulator2012/mods/Winterdienst_LKW/Winterdienst_LKW.i3d (11.92mb in 1855.47 ms)
    Error: index out of range
    Call Stack:
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(8) : printCallstack
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(50) : checkChildIndex
    C:/Users/Bjørn/Documents/My Games/SkiRegionSimulator2012/mods/Winterdienst_LKW/Script\beleuchtungV31.lua(36) : indexToObject
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(708) : ?
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(381) : load
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/ShopScreen.lua(480) : loadVehicle
    C:/Users/Bjørn/Documents/My Games/SkiRegionSimulator2012/pdlc/dlcPack1/ShopScreen.lua(24) : old_onBuyClick
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/ShopScreen.lua(286) : onBuyClick
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua(463) : onClick
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(360) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ListItemElement.lua(259) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(360) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ListElement.lua(326) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(360) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/BitmapElement.lua(90) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(360) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/Gui.lua(226) : mouseEvent
    D:/code/wsr/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(752) : mouseEvent
    Index: 0>33|0|0|3
    Error: Beleuchtung V3 - Index 0>33|0|0|3 nicht gefunden (vehicle.lightsaddon.light(23))
    AL: error ... Invalid Value
    Error: Creating Sound buffer (OpenAL)
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
