Hi LS community,
Today I have an advertising sign for you to be fitted with the GE 5.03.
This is an advertising sign along the lines of the towers at truck stops, etc.
The billboards and the logo on top of it rotate independently of each other at different speeds.
At night, the panels and the logo are illuminated.
A special thanks goes to [FSM] Chef for permission to use his script!
In my case the log is error free! Before someone asks if I'm making a placeable version.
Why not?
I've tried it, but I get the rotation and lighting in a placeable version not back and therefore the mod only half would be worth.
If anyone can explain what I need to do to make it work, I am willing to make a placeable version.
Aleitung for the entries in the Moddesc the map is bei.Ich wish you much fun with it! Upload Renewed without my permission is not allowed! This mod may not be offered for download only Modhoster!
Credits:Modname: Werbeschild_LS2013
Autoren: Schwaki[112TEC]
Datum: 11/2013
3D-Modell: Schwaki[112TEC]
Script: [FSM]Chefkoch
Ein besonderer Dank geht an [FSM]Chefkoch für die Erlaubnis sein Script zu verwenden!
Keine neue Veröffentlichung ohne die Zustimmung von Schwaki.
24 Nov 16:52Version 1.0
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