Hello everyone, it takes me a little bad the volvo and bucket is available to let you have fun as best I could, but lacked details about how there were people who was already eager to make it ready soon, I decided to post it today. In volvo put the following functions, moving the antennas in the wireless radio on and this skirt when walking, hiding rodoar mirror and hubcap, open doors, lift truck, windshield wiper, reverse camera (low light, high, back, cabin, turn signals, reverse, stop and tail) and trail dust, exhaust dynamics, handbrake, (pointers speedometer, turn, fuel gauge, brake pressure, oil pressure and temperature). Note stop when trigger a rise in the handbrake. Functions of the bucket, this movement in the skirt when walking, put canvas, dust and trail, lift truck, and hide rodoar cap (lights, turn signals, reverse, stop and tail) I hope you enjoy all the good fun and even more. Function Keys: Starting: Enter the numeric keypad Flashing: the numeric keys 1,2,3 Light booth: 4 numeric Light: hold tight high F Backlight: 6 numeric Open doors: 7.8 of numerical Hide and rodoar cap: 9 Hide rearview: 8 Handbrake: Space Lift shaft: V Windshield Wiper: 7 bucket: Enlonar: L Lift shaft: B Hide and rodoar cap: 9 Flashers: 1,2,3 number of
Modelo: Alemão (FBT Modding)Texturas: Alemão (FBT Modding)
Scripts: Alemão (FBT Modding)
Sons: Alemão (FBT Modding)
27 Aug 03:42Version 1.0
5 Comments for Volvo NL12 e Caçamba Randon Linha (R)
still wont run for me
thanks for sharing this nice mod works fine for me .
I finally went into the mod desc file and deleted all the manual ignition specializations now it runs on entry
same here truck will not stay running
when I use key pad -enter get the vehicle start sound but will not run any suggestions. This is a very nice mod with nice in cab details.