Userprofile of moh2
Member since 8 / 2012

Punkte: 75
Level 4
Rank: n/a
First name: moh Age & Gender: 57 m City: florida Hobbies: farming Homepage no entry

About moh2

no entry
  1. moh2 08. 04 2014

    Mod: Bell UH1D
    wow it actually works. with no problems. thanks

  2. moh2 26. 01 2014

    Mod: Recovery
    i'm sorry to report there is no recovery from this train wreck to many log errors to to post just delete

    Es tut mir leid zu berichten, gibt es keine Wiederaufnahme von diesem Zugunglück zu viele Log-Fehler einfach löschen, um zu Posten

    1 replies

  3. moh2 19. 12 2013

    Mod: Four Corners Beta
    C:/Users/home/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Four_Corners/map/map.i3d
    created Wool Palette Collector
    Error: the trigger (1) can't be found.

  4. moh2 29. 09 2013

    Mod: American house
    nice barn for eye candy .

  5. moh2 16. 09 2013

    Mod: Fruechteparadies
    ch mag diese Karte nur einige der Felder haben Flecken verpasst, wenn Sie Pflanze macht die KI Anschlag in den kahlen Flecken sonst sehr schöne Karte,

  6. moh2 01. 12 2012

    Mod: RT Farm
    those pigs need to get a room lol

    1 replies

  7. moh2 13. 11 2012

    Mod: Contractors nameplate
    the read me is blank when i open it . thanks

  8. moh2 04. 09 2012

    Mod: Case 1455XL
    this tractor puts errors in my log file something to do with the front axle not sized right nice other than that

  9. moh2 29. 08 2012

    Mod: Platinum Extreme
    very nice map where is that water hole that is in the pic i can't find it , thanks

  10. moh2 28. 08 2012

    Mod: MTZ 82 fun
    this tractor will not start

  11. moh2 27. 08 2012

    Mod: Volvo NL12 e Caçamba Randon Linha (R)
    thanks for sharing this nice mod works fine for me .

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