An emergency has occurred in a city called Fyrad. A long-standing war between Security and Insurgents has led to the fact that Insurgents leave the city. But when leaving, they sent one detachment to the building under construction of the Financial Center to destroy it. The city council has big plans for the Financial Center and if the Insurgents manage to destroy the building, the city will be stuck in debt for a long time. The Security forces must not allow this to happen. Operation Vanguard begins.
Game Modes
Team Deathmatch
For Local play:
Open Skyscraper?Scenario=Scenario_Skyscraper_TeamDeathmatch?bBots=1
For Servers:
Map Name: Skyscraper
Scenario: Scenario_Skyscraper_TeamDeathmatch
Known issues
• Default Loading screen
The whole story is fiction. Any resemblance is coincidental.
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