Valley Crest Farm

V 3.1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Welcome to Valley Crest Farm

Standard Map with additional modifications ...

• Feurewehr
• shop
• Sugar Factory
• 3 Transport company
• Garage with workshop
• gravel rock dirt cracked asphalt cement concrete sand
• Quarry
• Palletproduce

As well as new roads, new train routes are also included.


Have fun with this map !! :-)


Idee / Konzept: 

  • 19 Oct 15:47
    Version 3.1

    Produktionen angepasst
    Schlachterei Anlieferung auf 40
    Eierlegestation Hühner auf 24
    Eierschachtel auch verkauft
    Fich verändern
    Polizei Station hinzugefügt

  • 13 Sep 19:59
    Version 3.0

    -Fix Unterstand
    -Neu: Johannisbeeren für Produktion Palettensammler
    -Neu: den Hof
    -Neue Wegweiser

  • 06 Sep 15:20
    Version 2.9

    Version 2.8 beinhaltet. Keine Fehler für Weinfässer / Traubensaft

  • 05 Sep 18:57
    Version 2.8

    -Neu Heap Storage des Hofes
    -Neu Ampel
    -Fix Sammler Paletten (Tischlerei)
    -Neu Steinbruch (Gold,kalk)
    -Fix Performance (Lag)
    -Neu Leitplanken

  • 08 May 13:59
    Version 2.7

    - neuer Standort Brauerei
    - Tischlerei wurde vergrößert
    - Standort Shop
    - Standort Baustelle
    - neuer Eier Lege Station
    - neuer Schweinestall
    - Straße kleiner (BGA)

  • 13 Apr 20:38
    Version 2.6

    -Fix H-milch

  • 30 Mar 16:12
    Version 2.5

    -neu Abfallwirtschaft
    -Ei Farm
    -Lkw Müllwagen

  • 26 Mar 20:59
    Version 2.4

    Version 2.3 beinhaltet Fehler für Gold Bars
    bzw. Fixed Gold Bars

  • 25 Mar 13:42
    Version 2.3

    -Fix Gold Bars

  • 23 Mar 17:20
    Version 2.2


  • 20 Mar 19:32
    Version 2.1

    -Fix Fischzucht
    -neu Chopped Straw


checksum: 4c53016e8c962daa02570572d9bea4fb
Version: 3.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: dammemax
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Valley Crest Farm
description in shop: Willkommen in Valley Crest Farm!

01.08 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.35 / 75 Votes


nach 87 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 3.1
Farming Simulator 17
1.53 GB 6895
19. 10 2018 6,895
V 3.0
Farming Simulator 17
1.56 GB 3242
13. 09 2018 3,242
V 2.9
Farming Simulator 17
1.56 GB 2323
06. 09 2018 2,323
8 ältere Versionen

28 Comments for Valley Crest Farm

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  1. MOREOPTIONS 02. 02 2019

    Sorry about the multiple post. Not sure what's going wrong!!!

  2. MOREOPTIONS 02. 02 2019

    Directory structures of maps have been outside map file. anytime you have a path in a map structure that has ../../../ in front of it. That will indicate the file structure has not been built within the zip uploaded. this will destabilize the map structure and can crash the game when trying to load. You can not ask people whom would like to download your maps to download your other maps jest to solve this problem. Some people in various parts of the world do not have unlimited internet access. i have been rebuilding maps I have downloaded from you to restore there structural Integrity and eliminate errors. Your maps look great after the repair time I spend on them. I hope no one will be offended at my note here. But it's important to players to enjoy, Not need to edit every map downloaded to be able to... ADVISE : Please Kee

  3. bulldog1972 07. 10 2018

    i really love this map great work.1 thing the eierlegstation is taking a lot off chicken and i have looked how i can change it but im a old person and can not find it or change it.this is the only thing im not using in the map.the rest great work

    2 replies

  4. muzickmage 19. 09 2018

    Excellent map. Easily recommended. Found no errors so far.

    Wish it was a 4x map with a few flat areas for placeables, and bigger fields. The fields are very small.

    The map seems more for players who want a small fleet with low yeild farming/playing experience. As the description explains. This is a "standard" map, with much added. I like this map for the mining mainly.

    Looking forward to future updates to this map.

    1 replies

  5. rebirth 08. 09 2018

    after picking up the pallets at the dairy, the new ones don't come. The number stays at 1200, but I already took the pallets away. So there don't come any new ones. Anyone else with this problem?

    1 replies

  6. bulldog1972 06. 09 2018

    oke sry my german not that good.but is there a fix in 2.9 ?

  7. Conroy1988 24. 08 2018

    Where do you make Cartons? we just toured the entire map and could not find any location to make them?

    2 replies

  8. Romanko1974 30. 04 2018

    Good evening, please advice on where the carton is made? I can not find him anywhere in the map. Thanks for your advice.

  9. Fafachelm 17. 04 2018

    Thank you for this map. A'm playing this map for many hours, but please make this map "Season mod " ready. Thank you in advance

    1 replies

  10. pauldriver 15. 04 2018

    Very nice map!
    Thank you for this. At the moment I found a problem with the discharge of sand to the cement plant .....

  11. dangeon 31. 03 2018

    beautiful map, many compliments.
    I have a question which are the necessary external mods for a total complete experience of game with this map?

  12. leo-vince 26. 03 2018

    Nice work! the map is really good and everything looks very good. Only thing missing for me is a mill(wheat flour, corn flour), a sunflower oil factory and maybe some additional crops like oat, rye, carrots and onion. Also the honey bee pack could be nice on the map. Good job to the modder anyway!

  13. JSFARM 19. 03 2018

    Thanks for correcting the error of mod seasons because the map does not allow this mod.


  14. hugo101 02. 02 2018

    Zelo lep zemljevid a imam problem po malo dalšem igranju mi zbriše profil?

  15. Fritssel 02. 11 2017

    Take a look at the pictures

    1 replies

  16. Fritssel 02. 11 2017

    Take a look at the pictures 86 & 87
    Greetings Frits

  17. Fritssel 24. 10 2017

    Hallo zusammen
    wo kann ich die bagasse verkaufen
    where can i sell the bagasse
    aus der Zuckerfabrik / from the sugar factory

  18. Fritssel 24. 10 2017

    Hallo zusammen
    wo kann ich die bagasse verkaufen
    where can i sell the bagasse

  19. dunc9860 17. 10 2017

    just downloaded v1.8 still can't find the pallet factory,come on dammermax or someone help me find the factory.someone must no were it is.fhank you.

  20. dunc9860 14. 10 2017

    still can't find the pallet factory on this new 1.7 map.can dammemax help or anyone help find the factory.
