Valley Crest Farm

V 3.1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Welcome to Valley Crest Farm

Standard Map with additional modifications ...

• Feurewehr
• shop
• Sugar Factory
• 3 Transport company
• Garage with workshop
• gravel rock dirt cracked asphalt cement concrete sand
• Quarry
• Palletproduce

As well as new roads, new train routes are also included.


Have fun with this map !! :-)


Idee / Konzept: 

  • 19 Oct 15:47
    Version 3.1

    Produktionen angepasst
    Schlachterei Anlieferung auf 40
    Eierlegestation Hühner auf 24
    Eierschachtel auch verkauft
    Fich verändern
    Polizei Station hinzugefügt

  • 13 Sep 19:59
    Version 3.0

    -Fix Unterstand
    -Neu: Johannisbeeren für Produktion Palettensammler
    -Neu: den Hof
    -Neue Wegweiser

  • 06 Sep 15:20
    Version 2.9

    Version 2.8 beinhaltet. Keine Fehler für Weinfässer / Traubensaft

  • 05 Sep 18:57
    Version 2.8

    -Neu Heap Storage des Hofes
    -Neu Ampel
    -Fix Sammler Paletten (Tischlerei)
    -Neu Steinbruch (Gold,kalk)
    -Fix Performance (Lag)
    -Neu Leitplanken

  • 08 May 13:59
    Version 2.7

    - neuer Standort Brauerei
    - Tischlerei wurde vergrößert
    - Standort Shop
    - Standort Baustelle
    - neuer Eier Lege Station
    - neuer Schweinestall
    - Straße kleiner (BGA)

  • 13 Apr 20:38
    Version 2.6

    -Fix H-milch

  • 30 Mar 16:12
    Version 2.5

    -neu Abfallwirtschaft
    -Ei Farm
    -Lkw Müllwagen

  • 26 Mar 20:59
    Version 2.4

    Version 2.3 beinhaltet Fehler für Gold Bars
    bzw. Fixed Gold Bars

  • 25 Mar 13:42
    Version 2.3

    -Fix Gold Bars

  • 23 Mar 17:20
    Version 2.2


  • 20 Mar 19:32
    Version 2.1

    -Fix Fischzucht
    -neu Chopped Straw


checksum: 4c53016e8c962daa02570572d9bea4fb
Version: 3.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: dammemax
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Valley Crest Farm
description in shop: Willkommen in Valley Crest Farm!

01.08 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.35 / 75 Votes


nach 87 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 3.1
Farming Simulator 17
1.53 GB 6890
19. 10 2018 6,890
V 3.0
Farming Simulator 17
1.56 GB 3237
13. 09 2018 3,237
V 2.9
Farming Simulator 17
1.56 GB 2319
06. 09 2018 2,319
8 ältere Versionen

28 Comments for Valley Crest Farm

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  1. saschiali 07. 10 2017

    Zum einen kann ich die Map auch nicht mit mods und ohne mods startet sie nicht. Der log File ist ellen lang bis es zum Absturz am Fabrikscript kommt.

    Script FS LOAD
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Paletten' (emptypallet) [key 52]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Paletten' (boards) [key 53]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Weintrauben' (grape) [key 54]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Traubensaft' (grapejuice) [key 55]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Wein' (Wine) [key 56]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Tomaten' (tomato) [key 57]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'fish' (fish) [key 58]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Salat' (lettuce) [key 59]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Blumenkohl' (cauliflower) [key 60]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Rote Kohl' (redCabbage) [key 61]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Erdbeer' (strawberry) [key 62]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Himbeer' (raspberry) [key 63]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Bier' (beer) [key 64]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Bagasse' (bagassesvapa) [key 65]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Zucker' (sugarsvapa) [key 66]
    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/Users/sasch/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'Melasse' (treaclesvapa) [key 67]

  2. dunc9860 07. 10 2017

    can someone help I love the map but I can't find the pallet making factory,I have gone all round the map in a tractor looking for it.If someone can help I would be thankfull.

  3. Luque 06. 10 2017

    Hello, great job guys... only a question. The map does not work with the seasons mod installed. Do you think to implement this mod in the map in the future? Thank you

  4. downesaaron 22. 09 2017

    hi this is to the mod creator the map is good but none of the doors work I try everything

  5. Fritssel 15. 09 2017

    TOP Map gefällt mir richtig gut
    aber woher bekomme ich die Paletten

    TOP Map I like really well
    but how do I get the pallets

  6. You did not even ask me if you could use my career! No respect

  7. jacky100 09. 09 2017

    Load mod: FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm (Version:
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'wheat' in mod 'FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'AdditionalTrigger_startFillST' in mod 'FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'AdditionalTrigger_stopFillST' in mod 'FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm'. Ignoring this defintion.

  8. allcoast 03. 09 2017

    Tons of errors on this map.

    [INFO from the regFillTypes.lua]: Can't find: 'C:/FSMODS/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/hud/fillTypes/'. This is not a problem, but its not 100% perfect
    \__ Register fillType: 'paletts' (emptypallet) [key 52]

    C:/FSMODS/FS17_Valley_Crest_Farm/maps/scripts/terrainControl.lua:91: attempt to index field 'fruitTypesToStraw' (a nil value)
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
