Tutotial to be unloaded manually one Mähdreschrs

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Dear Modhostergemeinde,

here I present you a small but nice tutorial by learning to give a combine function manually abzubunker the grain.

I find it hard not this feature is installed, because it takes no real experience in modding, so who has lust to use the simulator as the simulator is in the right place. Who sees this as unnecessary, I advise to go back in the Modübersicht and further scrolen and no time to waste.

You need the Giants Editor, Winrar, etc. and of course Notepad ++.

I would find it very nice if you would publish on other sites the tutorial, because I think everyone can benefit from it. Please upload it but only with direktek Download high and not uploaded.net or similar time and nervenrauende provider.

I wish you much fun with this TUT and hope that you can understand everything well and no errors have happened, although there were already tested. But if please write in the comments so I can improve it. Error I want to apologize, because we are all just people.

Thanks go to TGEG who has EFrom me here in the forum the idea and it has been tested. Moreover ncoh is a thanks to the author of .lua.


joni 1998

  • 18 Aug 12:19
    Version 1.1

    Alle benötigten Dateien enthalten, TUT etwas überarbeitet.

  • 15 Aug 12:29
    Version 1


15.08 2014
Modhoster user rating
3.91 / 11 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 2013
Touturial zum manuelelen abbunke...
770 KB 1183
18. 08 2014 1,183
V 1
Farming Simulator 2013
Touturialzum manuelelen abbunker...
238 KB 1184
15. 08 2014 1,184

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