Position itself can be adjusted.
gui -> scale form -> InfoPanel.xml
The x and y values With adjust location:
< - ARCADE ->
<arcade visible="true"> < - visibility - true / false - Yes / No - >
<location x="-865" y="60"/> < - x , y - coordinates x = y = height- page ->
<delay> 3 < / delay > <! - display time in seconds after the target is no longer Targeted ->
</ arcade >
< - SNIPER ->
<sniper visible="true"> < - visibility - true / false - Yes / No - >
<location x="-630" y="60"/> < - x , y - coordinates x = y = height- page ->
<delay> 3 < / delay > <! - display time in seconds after the target is no longer Targeted ->
</ sniper >
<strategic visible="true"> < - visibility - true / false - Yes / No - >
<location x="-865" y="60"/> < - x , y - coordinates x = y = height- page ->
<delay> 3 < / delay > <! - display time in seconds after the target is no longer Targeted ->
</ strategic >
<postmortem visible="true"> < - visibility - true / false - Yes / No - >
<location x="-865" y="60"/> < - x , y - coordinates x = y = height- page ->
<delay> 5 < / delay > <! - display time in seconds after the target is no longer Targeted ->
</ post mortem >
</ info panel >
Installation: they move the folders after World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ 0.9.0
01 Dec 20:06Version 9.5
Wurde auf 9.4 angepasst!
18 Jun 19:40Version 0.9.1
Wurde für 0.9.1 angepasst
17 Apr 17:28Version 0.9.0
by Mr.WoT
ago almost 11 years
by Mr.WoT
ago almost 11 years
by Mr.WoT
ago almost 11 years
by Mr.WoT
ago almost 11 years
by Mr.WoT
ago almost 11 years
by Mr.WoT
ago almost 11 years
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