Switcher (v2.1) Save and activate by vehicles. * Ctrl +1 (to 0) - stores a vehicle to the desired position * Alt +1 - activates the vehicle is stored on the first position wurde.Was is new in the V2 first? Multiplayer now works besser.2 yet. The selling of vehicles gets mixed up nothing, the remaining stored vehicles retain their Plätze.3. Alt key, a vehicle list appears -. Listed are all 10 locations. - In the parentheses, the name is displayed by those controlling the vehicle is -. "[H]" appears when the vehicle has enabled the helper -. Addition, there is the vehicle name with any connected devices. For example: 3 = (edmund) [H] Deutz X720 kipper4 + weight + tandem. Also new is the Sperrfunktion.Mit Alt + s can be between Unlocked, Locked and unlocked state is Locked umschalten.Im you have no protection. Secured means that you can only save on free memory locations. When Locked, you can not store any more new vehicles.
27 Oct 21:09Version 2.1
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