featuredHi Mod community
I planned times the original "Stoll front loader FZ 30", suitable for the "Multi Steyr 4115", and they modified a little.
What has been done:
- Improved tilt angle of the tool holder down
- Corrected mouse control of the tools, now as in LS 2013
Thus, it is now possible to provide tools in the bottom of the work area of the lifting arm almost vertical. Ideal for Ballenzange and Poltergabel.
Another tip:
Together with my modified Stoll Poltergabel, can also be included really thin branches.
Who does not need such a mod, it should not download too !!!
The log is error-free (Patch: RC17) I would care to guarantee a minimal file size and any unmodified files are loaded directly from the original directory. That should save performance.
By the way, a click on the "thank" button really does not hurt ...
Even more fun with the front loader
15 Nov 21:14Version 1.1
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