*** Somewhere *** Edit by The Secret Life *** Das ist nach der TSL Map meine zweite Map. Eingebaut sind Standart Früchte, Zuckerrueben und Sonnenblumen. Sie enthält das modifizierte Ballenfoerderband aus der TSL Map, ein erweitertes Biomassenkraftwerk, BGA, Muehle, Agravis, Tankstellen und Brennerei (Brauerei). Es gibt zwei große Höfe, eine kleinere Abladestelle, Mistfoerderband, Guelle-Mod und Milch-Mod. Also Milch und Guelle kann beides verkauft werden. ALLE benötigten Mod-zip. sind in dem Pack vorhanden. (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (SP) (MP) (MP) Also Datei einmal entpacken und alles in den Mod-Ordner verschieben. MP getestet und sollte soweit funktionieren. Kartoffelanbau und Verkauf möglich, aber unter vorbehalt. Bei mir konnte ich diese nicht ernten...spiel stockte sofort. Ich wünsche viel Spass damit...TheSecretLife ***Die Map darf auf anderen Seiten zum DL angeboten werden, aber NUR mit ORGINAL DOWNLOAD-LINK*** ***Its ok to offer it for download anywhere, but keep original link!!!***
mein Dank geht Team für die Tankstelle
nurIch Mac Bo für die Muehle
Big-M-Lord für das Mistladeband
balogh2003 für Babolna
Fendt-Trisix für den DDR Hof
meistro für die Agravis für die Brauerei
Acert, Giants für den Milch-Mod
Ur-mod: Planet-ls Umbau: Thore/Thorne für den Lowpolystall
www.LS-Landtechnik für das Biokraftwerk
und natürlich an alle die ich vergessen habe bzw. nicht mit Namen kenne...
Ich hoffe, das es so in Ordnung ist.
25 Mar 18:04Version 1
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by TheSecretLife
ago almost 14 years
by hasedup1
ago almost 14 years
by hasedup1
ago almost 14 years
by hasedup1
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
by Jonas94
ago almost 14 years
checksum: | e93a8e7b06da2377a027a6d4bbe63814 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Hewaaa by |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | 9368d9663ddb1f059bb2b6106f1cbf5d |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | WeeRuz |
price in shop: | 59200 LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | 0f5d1aa42f7cd0b4feb7e0e89a6b2a79 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Palajos |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | 8b55af0c7073545aeb95f5bc5c19752b |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Hewaaa by |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | 4de4b77400ef1ae705eaf30b9abdee0a |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Bandit |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | 2f86e963c6cc4b0ee5dd9d785806dae1 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Acert |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | b443559629feb4ef4c7b64c5238f495b |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Cheebra |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | 240 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Wizznall |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | e93a8e7b06da2377a027a6d4bbe63814 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | GIANTS Software GmbH |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
checksum: | e93a8e7b06da2377a027a6d4bbe63814 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Hewaaa by |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Somewhere |
description in shop: | Edit by The Secret Life |
2 Comments for Somewhere
die Map kann man MP zocken
ich finde die map cool