Labels on pallets Set-1

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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After a few questions to me, I've now created a first small selection of plates on pallets.

The pallets can be bought in the shop and asked to be everywhere out there, where they are needed.

The signs themselves have no collision. So you do not immediately fall to about it or if you even think about driving.


The set contains 10 pallets with different signs:

     50 km / h
     narrow right of way
     Narrow right of way grant
     left over
     right past
     end no overtaking
     Attention! grimy road

Mods are packed individually. Thus all the signs you can individually select and pack only the pure in the mod folder you want to really have.


If you have special requests regarding the collection plates have, just contact me via PM here on Modhoster or send me an email to:

I create all kinds of signs. Inquire as quiet.


Still in planning:

Signs on anhängbarem weight for those who do not want to drive by the other palettes.


More sets will follow.


Unfortunately, I do not remember where and from whom I have the original plates-pack. Nevertheless, a thanks to the modders and if it recognizes its signs, I complete the credits very happy.

These mods may not be uploaded individually or in a different form! Those who handle the original download link, ensures that the modders have soon tired and nervous more to load up mods. Since your fair!


Idee & Umsetzung by Claashof
Schilder by Unbekannt

  • 26 Jun 07:04
    Version 1.1


checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette 50 kmh
description in shop: Palette mit Schild 50 km/h
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Engstelle Vorfahrt
description in shop: Palette Engstelle Vorfahrt
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Engstelle Vorfahrt Gewähren
description in shop: Palette Engstelle Vorfahrt Gewähren
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Absolutes Halteverbot
description in shop: Palette Absolutes Halteverbot
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Links vorbei
description in shop: Palette Links vorbei
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Rechts vorbei
description in shop: Palette Rechts vorbei
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Ueberholverbot
description in shop: Palette Ueberholverbot
checksum: 230
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Ueberholverbot Ende
description in shop: Palette Ueberholverbot Ende
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Verbot
description in shop: Palette Verbot|--
checksum: 230d9ba782b2fc07fc8f2205c3debd66
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Claashof
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Palette Ach
description in shop: Palette mit Schild 50 km/h

26.06 2012
Modhoster user rating
3.2 / 15 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 2011
1.46 MB 2182
26. 06 2012 2,182

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