Moin moin,
Today I present you my Scania R ITR.
Thanks to Ifko[nator] who converted the script for the LS22 yesterday, this would not have been possible!
Thanks again 1000 for that!
Now we come to the pack.
You can find the Scania R HKL under trucks
There you have the option:
Customize your company logo.
Bullcatcher config with 3 different designs.
Bullcatcher Config.
Interior dekor (buggy) slightly bugged, but works. Will be taken care of at times.
Fender config
Color rims, base and grill
Bottom bracket
exhaust config
engine with 2 different types of gears
Detail faithful interior lighting
Controllable landing gear, rear separately and once completely (controllable via right mouse button)
Sound is from the game, but nevertheless the sounds were put together new for this truck
Hüffermann turntable trailer:
This trailer is used to load containers.
It's best to use the steerable landing gear for this as well.
I always pump up the back before dropping a container.
The trailer has 2 color configs, otherwise it's pretty unspectacular.
I added the default ITRunner containers from the ITRunner pack.
These can be found in their respective categories.
However, I have replaced the woodrung container and I have added a Multi Tank which can be found under animal husbandry.
The truck got a script from Ifko[nator] that allows it to change the hook position.
With the key V, the hook changes to the loading position for the trailer and for the ground.
couple container > pull up > press V for trailer unloading > reverse to trailer, pump up landing gear and overload.
If you attach the trailer, you can also attach and fix the container. Thus you can then also normally access the container and loading from the silo.
If you now want to release everything again, you have to make sure that you first disconnect the container from the trailer, then you have to press X to move the container's fuse. Only then, you can disconnect the trailer.
Ifko[nator] added another nice feature, now you can use the B key to set the container length. Means if you use for example the Fliegl hook lift pack
then you can use the containers with it as well.
However, the mod was built for the large containers.
If you have a short one on it, then you should not change the length at that moment, otherwise the container will get stuck.
I will revise this when I get a chance, so that the short containers are cleanly usable.
Similarly, the Hüffermann trailer is also only designed for large containers.
As I said, I'll see what else I can do with it when the time comes.
However, I will now also gamble for now, while always improving little things.
My log is clean, I strongly assume that it is the same for others, but should errors occur, gladly also here a PN.
Modell: Ap0lLo
Textur: Ap0lLo
Script:Ap0lLo, Ifko[nator]
Idee / Konzept: Ap0lLo, Ifko[nator]
Tester:Ap0lLo, Ifko[nator]
02 Sep 16:11Version
HKL Logos eingefügt
Lincolin Zentralschmierung eingefügt
Bergmann Container überarbeitet: Animationen der Laufbänder nun einheitlich schnell, zusätzliche Farben Konfiguration eingefügt
Ein Transport Container Steht nun zur Verfügung in der Kategorie "Tieflader"
Differenzial überarbeitet
Motorleistung angepasst
Container Errors entfernt
Gülle und Mist Container nun mit Helfer Unterstützung
Hüffermann Anhänger komplett Überarbeitet.
Continental Bereifung verbaut
Diverse optische Änderungen
Anhänger rutscht nun so gut wie gar nicht mehr wenn er beladen ist
Farbpalette vom Transport Container überarbeitet passt nun zum Beispiel zum Fliegl Tieflader -
11 Mar 15:49Version
Amaturenbrett überarbeitet;
Dititale anzeigen eingebaut für Geschwindigkeit, Drehzahl, Uhr, Getriebe und Motortemperatur.
Displays überarbeitet.
Zusätzliche Kamera eingefügt, zum zurück sehen.
Tank Container wurde auch noch mal überarbeitet.
Sounds eingefügt und die Drehzahl erhöht sich beim abladen
27 Feb 17:43Version
by RaveBJ
ago about 3 years
by RaveBJ
ago about 3 years
by RaveBJ
ago about 3 years
by RaveBJ
ago about 3 years
by RaveBJ
ago about 3 years
1 Comments for Scania R ITR by Ap0lLo
Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_ScaniaR_ITRunner_pack/xml/containerSilage.xml): Missing ai agent attachment definition for attachable vehicle
E:/ModyFS22/FS22_ScaniaR_ITRunner_pack/i3d/Hueffermann.i3d (358.55 ms)
2022-04-22 07:50 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_ScaniaR_ITRunner_pack/xml/Hueffermann.xml): Missing ai agent attachment definition for attachable vehicle
E:/ModyFS22/FS22_ScaniaR_ITRunner_pack/i3d/containerChaff.i3d (54.96 ms)
2022-04-22 07:50 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_ScaniaR_ITRunner_pack/xml/containerChaff.xml): Missing ai agent attachment definition for attachable vehicle