Save My position | SaMyPo
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This mod must be installed anywhere , it is run autonomously
and must be copied into the mods folder.
However, this mod also includes a trigger and a script for map creators who want to limit the function to a specific area .
Do not you know that? You play on a nice big map with several courtyards, there have been formed over time play groups and each managed their own yard , or great thing ... if only they were not always the match candidate would be ... one shows up at the main farm and runs its " competitors " at the feet of ...
With SaMyPo this may change though!
And even if you do not play with multiple farms but just do not want more to show up next to the house of the chiefs but rather directly to the fleet , but there are SaMyPo !
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Use of the mods in the game
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In the game can set the hotkey ( Left Shift + Delete ( or Delete ), Standard occupancy) your position will be stored.
Now, when you join a game or the card just invites you shall directly to the last position saved shipped . The stored position is not server dependent, it is stored only in relation to the card and also only affects the clients of an MP game.
Should you play a card on which a SaMyPo trigger is installed can you , of course, not always save your position but only in the triggers set on the map. So do not wonder if you even have a playing card on the store you are not just so your position you can where you are just funny .
Note: The option in the Help window will appear ONLY if the Left Shift key is pressed, it is therefore NOT pressed then there is nothing left top position of store !
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Installation in a map
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Simply install the trigger contained in the mod as well as the associated scripts in the map. The extra source files entry for the script not forgotten. Done.
Now, if each player mod in mods folder then can be stored in the trigger .
Note : I ship ONLY the trigger , no sign or other gedöns to I'll leave the map creators themselves where who wants to identify what .
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Features at a glance
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Storing the position in the map
Is saved in a separate folder ( mods_positionData ) in the profile directory of the client
Is saved in an XML which bears the name of the card
after joining / loading a savegame on a map with existing SaMyPO data of the client and the stored position is teleported
full multiplayer support
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Screenshots ( click to enlarge image ) :
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There's currently nothing to show , which also ....
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Changelog :
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version 1.1.0
Corrected point detection in the card name
SpawnMarker installed in the PDA for clients
Built home marker for SaMyPo MapTrigger
version 1.0.0
First release
04 May 10:04Version 1.1.0
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