Description: This is Just the original map with a better look and farm, It has a farm inside a doment Volcano beside the cowzone, It has all the usual, Better silos, Bale barn which also works with autostacker, Few stadic animals, Horses,Pigs,Cows,Cat, Original manure pit, Added a large dung Pile for better use with frontloader, Crop times are set to 60mis, Grass to 45mins and crop hights have been ajusted, Chaff can be now dumped inside or at the front of the cowshed, So there's no big silage pit on display, It's fun and easy to play. Enjoy! (MP Ready) (FIXED v1.1) * I've now added a small drop off farm on the other side of the map where the holiday beach is, With a grain dump + Ballenshredder+Chaff Silage pit, So as you dont have to cart everything the whole way back to the main farm, But you have to sell your grain from the silos at the main farm. * Fixed Issue with Dung Trigger, But please make shure you have plenty of dung before filling from pile, just coz it appears as a pile dont mean you get dung from it stright away, So check your PDA and have enough cows Also changed crop growing times to 60mins and 45mins for grass. * Fixed Store spawn, So it's a bit better, Also changed straw texture for combines, Much better now. Only slight problem is some of the default vehicle spawns, I apologise for this as i am now good at setting up this part, but it's only minor. Also fixed horse field added a round bale fedder, so you can now shred some round or square bales and pretend that you are feeding the horses for some front loader fun.
ModelsShed - by dodo27
Bale objects-credits: Claas01
Fuelstation - ?
Walls - dodo27-textures-Grinodo27
Garage - Gamesnaper
Lowpolly Trees by Vanilleeis
RoundBaleFedder - Cornishboy
BallenShredder - sprengi
Horses,Pigs,Cat by marjas31
Folaige-Textures by Jannik & korn82
22 Jan 14:58Version
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