placeable heaps

V 3.1 SP mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Google Translate says:

A positionable unloading point for the intermediate storage of fruit or charge .


To anywhere on the map cereals, straw / grass / hay , fruits & vegetables, chopped , silage, forage , inter alia, intermediately . Can unload trucks, Drescher , harvesting and chopping machines , conveyor belts , and front or wheel loader. Ideal for holding a front or wheel loaders , feed truck , conveyor belt , or Ropa mouse.

Just the " pile " or the unloading point in the Shop , place it on the map and unload fruit or cargo. In single player or in multiplayer host may immediately with the ". " (Dot) position when sitting in any machine. If it is empty , he can also spot with "." resell or dissolve .

Cost : € 0 , 0 € / day

Note: The unloading point can be ( like other placeable building also ) not in certain areas such as the courtyard (where the vehicles are reset ) , the automobile dealer or not purchased, place fields . In addition, they must have a certain distance to other placeable buildings and it should not be a vehicle or player at the point of purchase.

This mod requires the UniversalProcessKit from V1.0.1 !

V3.0beta is not multiplayer compatible ( because it is not the UPK )

What does " beta " version ?

"Beta" means that I am that the mod works as it should (! ) Of the opinion . I have tested it with the means at my disposal and found no errors . "Beta" means but also that he has not been tested with 10,000 other players with 10,000 different Modkombinationen what I obviously can not do themselves. Errors can occur ! ("Beta " does not signify that this version is half-baked and was uploaded on good luck. )

If you should find an error, I 'd appreciate feedback and send your log.txt .

How updated / installed their version V3.0beta ?

Note: The storage format has been changed , you can not without a backup again to version 2.0 downgrade (without loss of Füllstande ) .

Make 1 backup of the game stand / Scores
2 the old for security anywhere else hinkopieren (not required for installation)
3 Download the UniversalProcessKit and copy it to the mod folder
4 Copy the new in the mod folder
5 ready!

So you have the possibility to make the update undo , if any unexpected error occurs .

Features of V3.0beta

- New clusters form
- 40 types of fruit are supported
- Many new textures
- Improved texturing with grass, hay and straw
- The unloading points can be named ( key combination Shift + "." - In the Help window is , not to be confused with the Caps Lock key " Shift . " )
- Designated unloading points appear in the PDA on the map and in the statistics
- Setting and clearing the unloading directly in the game ( press the " . " )

Supported types of fruit

- Cereals: wheat , oats , triticale , barley , rye , spelled, rapeseed , sunflower, poppy , corn , millet, green wheat
- Straw / grass / hay : grass, clover , alfalfa, hay , wheat straw, barley straw , oat straw, rye straw
- Vegetables: potatoes , sugar beet , peas , carrots , onions , soy beans, cucumbers, tomatoes
- Fruit : Apples
- Chopped , energy willow chopped
- Silage , fodder , animal feed
- Other : Crap, lime, fertilizer , gravel, sand

Game Internally, there are the following : wheat, oat, triticale, barley, rye, dinkel, rape, sunflower, mohn, maize, millet, greenwheat, grass_windrow, klee_windrow, luzerne_windrow, dryGrass_windrow, wheat_windrow, barley_windrow, oat_windrow, rye_windrow, potato, sugarBeet, pea, erbse, carrot, onion, soybean, cucumber, tomato, apfel, chaff, energieweide, silage, forage_mixing, forage, manure, kalk, fertilizer, kies, sand

Note: The standard vehicles can load only a few fruits - you need a wheel loader or bucket - mods , so you can pick the fruit again and dump truck mods for transporting !

Example: The standard Kuhne mixer feed wagon can indeed overturn feed and compound feed to the unloading point , but do not pick it again!

Have fun with this mod!


Die Skripte sind von mir, die meisten Texturen auch, nur die Standardfrüchte wurden leicht abgeändert, 3D-Modell ist auch von mir neu gemacht

  • 21 Jun 13:51
    Version 3.1 SP

    Unterstützte Fruchtsorten Hackschnitzel vom Forstmod sowie Birnen, Kirschen, Pflaumen, Orangen und Erdbeeren

  • 02 May 21:04
    Version 3.0 Beta

    Umstellung auf UPK, neue Haufenform, verbesserte Texturierung, Haufen kann benannt werden und erscheint im PDA auf der Karte und unter Statistik

  • 04 May 00:02
    Version 2.0 Multiplayer Support

  • 597427
    by mor2000
    ago over 10 years
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    by mor2000
    ago over 10 years
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    by mor2000
    ago over 10 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 11 years
  • 424898
    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
  • 424895
    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
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    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
  • 424891
    by mor2000
    ago almost 12 years
  • 601149
    by Rocky66
    ago over 10 years


checksum: 760c7903498db1a60a2cc510e8b87c97
Version: 3.1 SP
multiplayer ready? no
Author: mor2000
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: Platzierbare Haufen
description in shop: Um überall auf der Karte Getreide, Stroh/ Gras/ Heu, Obst and Gemüse, Häckselgut, Silage, Futter u.a. zwischenzulagern. Abladen können Kipper, Drescher, Ernte- und Häckselmaschinen, Förderbänder sowie Front- bzw. Radlader. Ideal zur Aufnahme mit einem Front- bzw. Radlader, Futterwagen, Förderband oder der Ropa Maus.

04.05 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.56 / 184 Votes


nach 153 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 3.1 SP
Farming Simulator 2013
5.57 MB 54202
21. 06 2014 54,202
V 3.0 Beta
Farming Simulator 2013
4.72 MB 16807
02. 05 2014 16,807
V 2.0 Multiplayer Support
Farming Simulator 2013
10.8 MB 106751
04. 05 2013 106,751

12 Comments for placeable heaps

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  1. Kristjan1988 23. 12 2014

    Only the v 2.0 work for me.

  2. baltic1284 02. 11 2014

    By the way your heap thing doesn't work I cant place it in the game at all so nice failure.

    1 replies

  3. jose_fredo 08. 05 2014

    I have a problem to install it, and what happens is that I can not buy found objects but to uninstall it if I can buy them. Please help.

  4. jose_fredo 08. 05 2014

    I have a problem to install it, and what happens is that I can not buy placeable objects and to uninstall it if I buy objects. Please help.

  5. jose_fredo 08. 05 2014

    I have a problem, and what happens is that I can not buy placeable objects and uninstall it if I buy regular. please help.

  6. rictraldi 11. 03 2014

    Hi, I am relatively new to the game and I bought a little while ago, I play the map Paradaise, a huge map and this Mod would be very welcome, but I read a comment here that the Mod breaks the game and I was really scared and worried about downloading, since I didn't have enough experience to resolve this type of problem, then I would like to know the author of the Mod if I can install the Mod without the danger of losing my game?

    1 replies

  7. bashprompt 08. 03 2014

    Once we install this mod, we can no longer place anything else in the game. No bought item, no placeable mods, nothing. This mod breaks the game, completely. This has been reported since the first version, but the mod creator is either ignoring the complaints, or doesn't know how to fix it.

    Either way, it would be appreciated if the mod were removed until it is fixed, and the modder at least tell us why he has ignored thousands of people who have spent countless hours trying to work out why their $60 game no longer works. I'm one of the lucky few who realized straight away that this mod broke the game, but there are literally thousands of others who's games have been rendered useless because of this.

    1 replies

  8. Totenfarmer 05. 05 2013

    C:/Users/Bjørn/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/PlaceableHeaps/PlaceableHeap.i3d (0.05mb in 64.50 ms)
    Error: LUA running function 'mouseEvent'
    C:/Users/Bjørn/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/PlaceableHeaps/BuyPlaceableHeapEvent.lua(31) : attempt to concatenate global 'placeableType' (a nil value) ??
    That was the error I got, resulting in not being able to place it, I can buy it and move it, but not place it..

  9. Joe`s farm dk 05. 05 2013

    hello well it is known to them that you can not use placeable item if you use this atm but then you have to decide if you wanna use this or been able to use funktion placeable item instead, i'm using this mod since it is cool and make it lot more real, here where i live the farmers got 4 around my home they all bunker there beets and collect it after a while. furthermore it is log error free nothing wrong with this mod if you have some kind of errors then you will have to find the mod in your mod folder which causes it because it is not this one, i have 40 mods in my folder and it just keep working and still log clean my pc is 11 years old and is running on medium settings, vote this one it really great ;)

  10. Joe`s farm dk 04. 05 2013

    Hello awesome upgrade this is just perfect and no lag when i'm unloading and what else does not take up huge space on your farm and thank you for making this version and for sharing it with all us non mod maker ;) it is a vote for me 100% and i tried it on OGF_AUS_MAP since there is no storage place for other than rape on your starting location cool log clean and i'm having 35 other mods in my folder no errors, only thing there is left, other placeable does not function anymore by default item ingame but that i can lived with, error free 100% thx again ;) premium mod i`m sure :)

  11. Tobi19 04. 05 2013

    Super endlich ohne palette oder pfosten. Könntest du vieleicht in einer v3 verschidene haufen machen also mit verschidenen vormen das der nicht so glatt ist so das einer für mist aschaut wie echt usw.

  12. Steve645354 04. 05 2013

    would me nice to integrate some kind of follow me mod. like a placeable pile folowing a harvester or combine, also include some fuel, seeds and fertilizer and farming can be done 24/7 on large fields. meaning: a combine harvesting a wheat field. droping its wheat in a placeable pile. followed by a baler dropping bales in a placeable pile also. followed by a seeder (taking seeds from placeable pile if neeeded or hired worker, and the harvester go to corner 1 after finish the whole field. and should be wheat level 4 agan. great.
