The PDA Map is missing from the great landscaping Mod "IrgendwoinBayern v 0.9", fits also for the "beta version". There, the original map is from LS2011 and embedded as an orientation is unfortunately impossible.
I have a PDA Map compiled and adjusted which will replace the wrong map and is displayed correctly in the PDA.
After many adjustments I have to let it managed to show one's position on the map to the right place.
With the MapViewer also the entire map is displayed. All positions of the vehicles and equipment are in the right place. If not, then it is up to the possibility of oversize switching. Just press Ctrl + Alt + m, then jump the positions to the right place.
The important places like yard, traders, village, cow pasture, Ballenabladestation, brewery and butter work on this day.
In addition, I have also numbered the fields and meadows.
- Fields with 1-58
- Meadows with W1 to W40
Your first Map: open with eg WinZip, or 7Zip.
2 In the subfolder MAP01 go and grab the old in any folder.
3 Move the new in the / subfolder MAP01.
3 confirm overwriting the old file.
4 Finish
There is also a "Read mich.txt" in which the installation is explained again.
"Lies mich.txt"
- >> "" <-
The pda_map.jpg is intended only as an external card for other purposes.
The game maps can be found at the following links and are of Hatz TL 13 :
Some where in Bavaria v 0.9
Some where in Bavaria v beta
Have fun.
Credits erstellt von Maulwurf63Spiel-Map erstellt von Hatz TL 13
22 Jul 14:26Version 1.1 mit Orts Feldnummern
Standort des Butterwerkes korrigiert.
by Maulwurf63
ago over 10 years
by Maulwurf63
ago over 10 years
by Maulwurf63
ago over 10 years
by Maulwurf63
ago over 10 years
by Maulwurf63
ago over 10 years
by Maulwurf63
ago over 10 years
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