his is the Ostallgäu map. I've tried to make a map look as nice as possible, and to be bug-free machen.Es in course of time, followed by further updates, but most are made so that you can continue using his old savegame. A big thanks goes to Mauro for the release of the map and some useful tips.
V2.4 - revised Green Wheat - stubble height and density adjusted - removed warning Physixs - - I3d tidy bales can now be thrown into the silo star. - Designed cow pasture at the farm - - Street signs lanes on roads - new concrete paths - mud-hole Mistplatz improved - changed silos in the cow pasture - Field exits adapted - road edges removed - abkipptrigger the courtyard pulled out - drive-through hall made larger - opening times of the brewery and mill are now 7-19 Clock - New PDA, potato will be displayed in the PDA, you can scroll through pages
V2.3-Colli Sunny inserted at the fences. (Field borders) - New roads were added .- New fields, dirt roads clip Distance adapted log-adjusted, now no error message more and more 2 Physix warnings, could this source not found .- Überstehnde trees removed, roads and match holes navigable made-BGA removed (only works in the version without BGA) V2.2 The cow pasture now (before the cows disappeared when loading the game) - New fields have been Added, New Field Way "Real" milk yield, price and manure production clip Distance was set-Bga Revised (parts of DLC) - Silo Volume angepsst, Placed in the cow pasture two silos in the Bga a new cows can with Silo (chaff) Feed-field boundaries were created (fences, ditches, trees) - Trigger sell to Stoh on hof-shelters added the dealer (as an additional pitch, because the halls on the are hof quite nice and the dealer was enough space) - Designed Hall courtyard and traders new to the Kuhn meadow Added barriers removed, since they verurschaten error in Mp ( colli problems) - Brewery and mill have 8-17 clock open-new non grubberbare grass (in field borders etc) - New type of fruit Kartfoffeln was green wheat built-lanes, etc. improved exit lanes on roads has been adjusted (there was everywhere a great edge ) - adapted sludge / hall sizes from merchant mud holes were used, and more .- The colli sions were Gündem away from the fences on muliplyer capable, because you there on it depends sont imemr once it haagt .- Vehicle XML has been adapted PDA map right now, thank you ! Herrman What's on the ticket-a large yard - biogas plant by HeadshotXXL - train tracks - Sliding doors - Seed Hall - cow pasture - Dairy - Transport - collect bottles to - - foot container - Large landmaschienen Dealer potatoes and green wheat and much more of the following mods benötigtFruittype will fix. Zip ---------- Fruit Type Fix [MP] silos ----- [MP] BGA silos v1.4 [MP] biogas - [ MP] In addition, biogas system v1.3 Do we offer a Modpack to contain it are: - Crown BigX 1000 - 2000 + cutter-Ploeger Agroliner Kock container loader bucket
For info PDA: the Op are increased or decreased rates detected in the one color now. Green means increased, decreased red, white remains the same. If you want to look at the inventory, there is now a second Page. This should also serve for the future, when times more fruit to come store. On the PDA map all the helpers are now marked with a yellow dot. so one can see whether or not he still running BZE gereade where he is. Unfortunately, there is a bug, the prices of the brewery will not be displayed Sometimes, we unfortunately do not know what it is
Attention! The mod may not be offered on other sites for download, but only using the original mod Downloadlink.Der may also be offered on other sites for download, but may only be used with the credits and this mod without permission Hinweisen.Der not changed by me to download kommen.Warning! This mod can be released on other sites, but you must using the original download link! This mod can be released on other sites, but you must post credits and this mod may Note.This not be Modified for download, unless a permission from me is available.Downloads: Modpack: Original: Important: the map is in a RAR file. Please unzip the spec and readme Lesen.Euer savegame can forge sets, you all have ändereungen I've made. Assuming you had already the V2.3
I wish you much fun in OstallgäuDas dlc pack is not needed
Erbauer: MAurUS & TobiasObjekte: Headshot XXL, Fatian, Tristan, Alex, Giants, Repi
Script: MAurUS, Desperados93, sven777b, Giants
Edit: Tobias
17 Aug 15:08Version 2.4
by LSGamer1
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by strufe
ago over 13 years
2 Comments for Ostallgäu Map
ich find sie geil!Danke an den modder.
mfg HolderA12
wo find ich das mod pack