V 2.1 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hi all,




You become bored with the standard and converted Germany Maps?


Then this map is just right for you.


Our goal was to build a very realsitische U.S. MAP. Unfortunately, there are no U.S. securable objects.


Maybe this map is indeed an inspiring for so many modders ;-) houses, tractors ect assemble in the U.S. style


The area is intended to represent New Mexico. We have specially created new textures for this.


Hope that we have done it.


Unfortunately, this version is unlikely to be taugich for low PCs. We hope for your understanding here.


In principle, it is a fact that few new games for LOW PCs appear. We wanted to also do not compromise.

 Sorry hierfpr ;-)




About the Map:


Construction 1.5 months


5-6 hours daily outlay


Size of I3D: 170 Mb


Size of Map: 225 MB


Download Contents: Overview OGF_USA_MAP + + + farm map map map


Wither is OFF


There are plenty of in-game maps, signs and InfoButtens the eucht handling and describe the paths.




Our special thanks goes to all the modders who supported us with your products and your help. The kind permission before us lies.


To name a few:


Computer graphics












Unfortunately, we can not name them all is beyond the Ramen. Nevertheless, someone wants to be explicitly listed here, please send me a pM. Then we get to the course.


In addition, we are aware of no Modklau.

All items come from either Modhoster or LS UK


Should it in spite of careful selection object still create a complaint, we would be grateful if you let us leave by the PM, so we can correct the error.




The map created by our members. Kapt.Kruse, Lt. D.Kruse OldGrey and tested regularly.


It runs very smoothly despite your size.


Stated course materials is not very objective, as we all have high-end PCs.


As it is usually in testing, of course, some things can be overlooked ... Therefore, we look forward to your results.


That is also the reason why this is a V1 here.


Important: We have this map supporten only on our side. www.og-fightclub.de


We leave on the comments. 's also important for others to see how you can find the map.


We hope, of course, SUPER! :-) (Because only then does the modding and all the work fun)


We do it for fun and not zuber oaken to us! Hence the direct downloads Modhoster.


So now concluded with the entire drivel and have fun while gambling.



Your BernieSCS


= OGF = Old German FightcClan www.og-fightclan.de




This mod is available exclusive at Modhoster.de, and can be sold on any other forum for download. There are no approvals for changes of any kind!


This mod is available exclusive at Modhoster.de, and its forbitten to offer it on any other forum for download. There are no approvals for changes of any kind!


Grafik-EDV.: .Rolltor und Trigger

Ekkehard : Soldaten, Flugzeuge und Fahrzeuge

Tessman85 : Erlaubnis seine Texturen zu ändern

Chefkoch : Für sein InfoTrigger Script
freak36558 : Für seine Objekte ( Baustellenmaterial )

Marhu: Für seine Förderbänder und Scripte
frisco0177 : Für sein Futterlager
modelleicher : Schwedenhaus ..Gaststätte

  • 14 Jan 00:36
    Version 2.1

    - Die Preise bei den Schweinen wurde gefixed.
    - Waterplane jetzt auch im Teich beim Güterbahnhof
    - Güterbahnhofsfehler beseitigt.
    - Einige Schilder berichtigt
    - AGRAR Flieger von Maru eingebaut.
    ( Ps es wird aber nicht das ganze Feld gedüngt )
    - Hühnerfütterung gefixed.
    - paar Dinge hier und da ...

  • 11 Jan 19:28
    Version 2.0

    Die Hauptbeschreibung wurde geändert. bitte diese lesen

  • 23 Feb 01:29
    Version 1.0


checksum: 7571dc41f24a064f00d1a09fd53df375
Version: 2.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: BernieSCS
price in shop: LS
name in shop: =OGF= USA MAP
description in shop: Dies ist die = OGF= USA MAP by BernieSCS.

23.02 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.66 / 462 Votes


nach 394 Stimmen

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V 2.1
Farming Simulator 2013
324 MB 62490
14. 01 2014 62,490
V 2.0
Farming Simulator 2013
321 MB 14565
11. 01 2014 14,565
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
222 MB 62129
23. 02 2013 62,129

25 Comments for OGF USA MAP

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  1. huntemcd 20. 03 2016

    Hey how do I open gates? None of them open. The doors on the barn do. I like the map just can't get equipment in.

  2. cnsfarms 14. 01 2015

    i keep getting mixing plant 1 hay empty, i made bales from barley it wont accept them,
    Where can i empty forage from mixing wagon?
    Love this map, only place we farm now for a long time,thank you for all the work

  3. zzzLEONzzz 22. 09 2014


    I got question as I can speak German I dont know if someone already answer this.
    Where is sheep farm? I found wool selling point but I dont know where are sheeps.
    At north there is Horse Farm, can you use it with Horse mod?


    1 replies

  4. clw2147 03. 02 2014

    is there a map for this mod showing where everything is?

  5. BradM73 19. 01 2014

    Hello BernieSCS! I'm an American and the map is very good. I would like to suggest a version which has English names for all selling points and signs which are now written in German. I have just been playing the map today and that is the only problem I see. Here in the United States, we don't use German words on our signs. :) Otherwise it is a great map and I like the way that the buyable objects have been implemented, how barns open and close, and many of the other details of the map are very well done. Do you think it is a possibility that an English version of the map can be made?

  6. kammo13 16. 01 2014

    Ich habe mittlerweile ein paar Stunden auf der Map gespielt und ja bereits gesagt, dass sie von den Details und Funktionen absolut top ist... Aber: Woran kann es iegen, dass Courseplay die Abladetrigger nicht erkennt, also wenn ich vom Feld mit Getreide komme und beim Hofsilo abkippen will tut er dies nicht und fährt einfach weiter und es steht auch nirgendwo abladetrigger erreicht oder so. Weiss da jemand was drüber, oder sind die Trigger zu tief gesetzt?
    Danke für alle Antworten. Mfg

  7. skjatala 15. 01 2014

    In Field 19(Grass Field) there is hurdle for vehicles with hidden silo.it is rigid body. Also in field 15 elmTree_lod2 is there.

  8. Brainstick 14. 01 2014

    Hi Bernie, First of all, great map! And that intro with the Topsy Chapman song, that was fu...g brilliant!! (used Shazam to tag) Never had such a fantastic welcome in a map! But...that brings me to another thing. Why, oh why, did you put in that frickin' horrible train noise at the start?? That ruins that beautiful intro song! Why do you guys like to add that terrible train noise at the startup? I hate that! Can we remove that some how? Plz, tell me we can! Again, much appreciated what you did with the map and that awesome Topsy Chapman song, it fits perfectly dude. But that bloody train....

    1 replies

  9. minno90 14. 01 2014

    non mi apre i cancelli!! come faccio??

    1 replies

  10. dunc9860 13. 01 2014

    can someone help can't get the gates to open or close.thanks if you can help.

    1 replies

  11. J Willy 12. 01 2014

    First of all I must send a Huge Thank You to BernieSCS and crew, awesome map. I have a pig problem, price is always 1 or 2 during a great demand. I have tried everything. No mods, map and PDA fix mod, and of course the buyable object mod. I've re-downloaded. Got so fed up I deleted everything, save-games and all. Start all over, everything from the game itself on down re-downloaded and installed new. Game, Titanium DLC, map, PDA fix and buyable object mod, after hours of trying, still 1 on price for pigs ? A wonderful map bugging the h*ll out of me. Any help?

    1 replies

    1. BernieSCS 13. 01 2014

      yes i have to fix that. sorry

  12. plantag 11. 01 2014

    im OGM Farm funktionieren die Türe nicht, ich habe MapDoorTrigger.

    2 replies

  13. wilkiealbert 23. 08 2013

    ya the map is no good it wont download at all I did it 5 times and it did not go

  14. ricomon35 30. 03 2013

    You made an Agri map based on New Mexico? Did you research what kind of Agri New Mexico has? Cattle, my friend > It's a Ranching state not a farming state.

  15. Jannes02 10. 03 2013

    lol cool das ist echt geil

  16. Totenfarmer 03. 03 2013

    Well, now that I tried it just one word comes to mind: WOW !!
    A REALLY great map, as stated before, the only thing is signs with german writing ( the signs with both german and english are good ), and the german flags on the planes ( but that may be a permission thing ).
    Other than those things, which becomes very small problems when playing, I really love the map, great job, hat of for the modders :)

    1 replies

  17. You deserve all the downloads you are getting!!! This is a wonderful map! Love the realism!!! :)

  18. Totenfarmer 23. 02 2013

    Looks like a really great map, that I will be trying out as soon as I get out of my DDR period, the only thing I noticed from the pictures is that there are som german signs in the map, those could be replaced with typically american ones (constructive critisism) to obtain the right scenery for the map and give that feelin of being in the u.s, same as when I play the DDR maps, I want signs in german, even if I can`t read them all.. other than that, as I said, it looks like a really great map that you can spend hours and hours playing :)) - Cheers from Norway -

  19. Kurt1972 23. 02 2013

    Thank you very much for this map. It looks amazing. OGF maps are always great.

  20. aceofspades 23. 02 2013

    I have a suggestion that would require a bit of work but would put this map over the top as far as representing New Mexico. The most profitable and famous crop in New Mexico would without a doubt be the red chili plant but not just any red chili plant. The ones from new mexico are famous and are called the Hatch chili, named after Hatch, New Mexico (small town north of Las Cruces along the Rio Grande). They are pretty large chilis that are picked when green and then ripened to red as a whole plant curing upside down. You can look-up Hatch chili for pics of the growth cycle. The only problem is they are hand harvested at least far as I know. But to harvest the whole plant is cut at the base and the chilis are not removed from the plant until the processing area where some are left on the plant and allowed to dry and ripen to red and some are removed from the plant for selling as green chilis. So you could alter some harvester to perfrom similiar function ( although there may be a real chili harvester I don't know) Another alternative would just be to include a static chili farm somewhere that the player does not own/harvest with chilis growing on it maybe in thier ready to harvest state.
    Anyhow just an idea that popped into my head that I thought I would give you guys. Thanks again.
