
V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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V1.o is ready to play!

Firstly bad news: You can play your existing savegame, but then growth's grass on some positions you don't want. To convert your savegame i know only explanations in German. Sorry.

Now the better news: Bugs were fixed (hopefully all) and some wishes and suggestions come into the map.

Have already fun on Nicolonia.


Welcome to Nicolonia, a totally fictitious world. The card contains all the standard features of the LS17.
It offers you 66 boxes (total 167,3ha) and 14 fields (total 14,9ha).
You are already equipped to start with a fairly extensive fleet on which gnaws but partly already the ravages of time. Your operation is very well equipped to grassland. A chopper and another leg with beet is already available. So you can start right away with animals and / or the BGP.
At the beginning you owned 3 fields and 14 grasslands.
To store your goods you stands the Hoflager (by the pigs) and 3 Trainstorages available. The train can you also utilize large quantities of goods on the map to move or sell goods.
Tree trunks can you sell (below Feld11) the crane in Fristonia (near field 59) and at the sawmill. The sawmill must additionally with fuel (wood chips / straw) are supplied and manufactures boards.
For all your courts I have installed Placeable halls (Giants-Standard). You can you demolish and reshape your farms / BGA Individually for you.
I wish you much fun with Virtual farms and explore!

A huge thank you goes also to my BETA testers. Thank ye that did to !! You are the best!

Here is a link to "Mapvorstellung" (Thanks Gadarol!)

Everyone who wants to learn a little about the development phase of the Map can do so here:



Strassen/Feldwege: Fatian / seba j

Gebäude/Objekte: Giants, Stefan30Muc, Katsuo (Agrarteam Franken), Niggels (VertexDesign), Nick98.1, Nils23/Blacky, kingkalle - Team LTW, Fendtfan1,
fqC Art., Nico14, power74de, Kevin98k

Ich hoffe ich habe keinen vergessen. Vielen Dank für die tollen Mods die ihr erstellt!

  • 12 Mar 10:31
    Version 1.0

    PDA mit erkennbarem Strassennetz, Gülleplane Kühe, Verkehrszeichen, Wasser verbessert, Waschplatz beim Kuhhof eingefügt, Keilsios bei der BGA getauscht, Weiden befahrbar (Kühe/Schafe), Gratiswasser an 3 Seen, Flackern der Strassen an bekannten Stellen, schwebende Opjekte beim Schafhof, diverse Geländeglättung

  • 23 Feb 18:02
    Version 0.9


23.02 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.69 / 108 Votes


nach 108 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
631 MB 10468
12. 03 2017 10,468
V 0.9
Farming Simulator 17
614 MB 7378
23. 02 2017 7,378

1 Comments for Nicolonia

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  1. Fruzz 23. 02 2017

    Hallo Joe, super mega map , very beautiful landscape , thanks .
