This is the New Holland T9.670 with dual wheels.
Added Features:
Partical effect on all wheels.
New strobe light set.
Tire tracks on all wheels.
New Sounds.
Dual wheels have collision.
For those who like first person I changed the windows to be much more clearer.
New dual tires!
Tinted Windows.
Indoor sounds.
Automatic reverse lights.
The cost is: $358.000
Max Power: 441 kw / 600 hp.
Maintenance cost: $520 a day.
Change Log V2.0.2
Corrected rotSpeed in xml file.
Corrected radius in xml file.
Change Log V2.0.1
Added tinted windows.
Added indoor sound.
Added Automatic reverse lights
Adjusted tire collision.
Redesigned back of tractor (newHollandT9700Back_vis).
Change Log V2.0
New dual tires
Reworked tire collision (due to new tires).
Corrected tire particle system.
Designed: New Holland
Put in Game: Giants Software
Edited: McKnight
06 Nov 01:53Version 2.0.2
Corrected rotSpeed in xml file.
Corrected radius in xml file. -
03 Nov 15:45Version 2.0.1
Added tinted windows.
Added indoor sound.
Added automatic reverse lights.
Adjusted tire collision.
Redesigned back of tractor (newHollandT9700Back_vis).
1 Comments for NewHolland T9.670 Duel Wheel
I am aware of the typo (Duel). If I do another version I will fix it.