This is the default New Holland T9.560 with dual wheels.
Added Features:
Partical effect on all wheels.
New strobe light set.
Tire tracks on all wheels.
New Sounds.
Dual wheels have collision.
For those who like first person I changed the windows to be much more clearer.
New dual tires!
The cost is: $348.000
Max Power: 416 kw / 565 hp.
Maintenance cost: $520 a day.
Change log V3.2.2:
Corrected rotSpeed in xml file.
Corrected radius in xml file.
Change log V3.0.1:
Added tinted windows.
Added indoor sound.
Added automatic reverse lights.
Adjusted tire collision.
Redesigned back of tractor (newHollandT9700Back_vis).
Change log V3.0:
New dual tires
Reworked tire collision (due to new tires).
Corrected tire particle system.
Change log V2.5:
Small changes to dual tire alignment.
Replaced strobes with different set.
Change log V2.0:
New Sounds.
Dual wheels now have collision.
Designed: New Holland
Put in Game: Giants Software
Edited: McKnight
06 Nov 01:57Version 3.0.2
Corrected rotSpeed in xml file.
Corrected radius in xml file. -
03 Nov 15:29Version 3.0.1
Added tinted Windows.
Added indoor sound
Added automatic reverse lights
Adjusted tire collision.
Redesigned back of tractor (newHollandT9700Back_vis). -
10 Sep 17:05Version 3.0
New duel tires
Reworked tire collision (due to new tires).
Corrected tire particle system.
1 Comments for New Holland T9.560 Duel Wheel
I am aware of the typo (Duel). If I do another version I will fix it.