Add the following item in the mobile research lab-
1) Al Core
2) Magnegem
3) Power Core Parts
4) Iron Ore
5) Diamond
6) Wood
7) Coin Purse
8) Sulfur
9) Cloth
10) Saltpeter { if you have (bombs!!!) mod }
(Thanks to gASK for adding the recipe of saltpeter in my mod.)
MAGICAL RESEARCH MOD (Combined with More Research Mod)
As many players might have set up their colony location in another star system so it would be difficult to trade with the fish merchant and buy magical items hence by using this mod, it would be easy to create a magical research lab which researches on magical items that are sold by the fish merchant and others found in magical path.
Now you can research on magical items like scientific items in the mobile lab or research center(recolligo mod).
No fuel or electricity is required to research items. The only thing required is its seed which you can craft in the Evo chamber or you can buy it from the fish merchant.
Added a new structure magical lab harvester (A structure which manages and collects items which are researched by magical research lab) for this structure you need recolligo mod. And the recipe for crafting its seed is available in the Evo chamber and in the fish market.
How to add researching of any item in mobile lab-
<recipe id="research_your_item" creates="your_item" type="research" fuel_cost="time_your_item_needs_in_digit" incomplete="blueprint_paper" />
ENJOY on researching on items. If finding any bug or want to give any suggestions then write it in comments.
27 Jul 01:09Version 1.3.1
Now silk is available in research lab while coin purse is removed.[balance]
Fixed the typo of Magical Research Lab.
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
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